Agricultural News
Cattle Raisers Convention Highlights Ranching, Natural Resource Managementand Property Rights
Mon, 31 Mar 2014 17:13:54 CDT
Cattlemen and women attending the 2014 Cattle Raisers Convention will have the opportunity to attend information sessions on a number of topics affecting ranchers and landowners. The convention kicks off Friday, April 4 and runs through Sunday, April 6, at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center in downtown San Antonio.
Sessions on interstate cattle movement regulations, endangered species on private property, country-of-origin labeling costs, border security and rangeland sustainability are all scheduled. These sessions are in addition to information sessions on private property rights, surface water rights and the effect of the Affordable Care Act on ranchers. A complete schedule is below:
Detain, Deport, Defend
Hosted by the Brand and Inspection Committee
Saturday, April 5: 9-9:45 a.m.
Texas Department of Public Safety command staff will present an update on border security and report on successes of recent border security operations.
Understanding interstate movement regulations for cattle
Hosted by the Animal Health, Brand and Inspection and Marketing Committees
Sunday, April 6: 8-9 a.m.
Moving cattle across state lines can often be confusing. This session will
offer a summary of transportation requirements and ranchers' perspectives on how to improve the process.
Avoid running afoul of the Endangered Species Act
Hosted by the Wildlife Committee
Sunday, April 6: 8-9 a.m.
There have been many new state and national developments with the listing of endangered species. Will any of these species impact your land? What you can do to avoid unnecessary government regulation?
Firsthand perspective on country-of-origin labeling costs
Hosted by the Marketing Committee
Sunday, April 6: 9:15-10:15 a.m.
Feedyards and packers are dealing with implementation of country-of-origin labeling (COOL) regulations and seeing firsthand the costs of this program. Are the additional record keeping and animal handling processes are creating additional compliance costs?
Rangeland sustainability research puts a pencil to widely used range management techniques
Hosted by the Agricultural Research Committee
Sunday, April 6: 9:15-10:15 a.m.
Learn how research into rangeland sustainability can be used to help your ranch remain economically viable.
The 137th Cattle Raisers Convention is April 4-6. Highlights of the convention include the Cattle Raisers Expo., the School for Successful Ranching, and information sessions focused on a number of issues critical to the Texas cattle industry. For more information visit
A complete schedule can be found on the TSCRA convention website.
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