Agricultural News
Oklahoma Farm Bureau Concludes August Area Meetings- Tom Buchanan Says Lots of Issues Top of Mind
Fri, 22 Aug 2014 10:50:09 CDT
Oklahoma Farm Bureau has concluded their August Area Meetings for 2014, and OFB President Tom Buchanan says that several Farm Bureau members have gathered at lunch and dinner meetings across the state to receive a progress report from Farm Bureau staff on key state and national issues, while at the same time, offering feedback to Buchanan and the state Farm Bureau Board about their priorities. Buchanan is serving his first term as President of the general farm organization and farms in southerwestern Oklahoma in Jackson County.
Buchanan sat down with Radio Oklahoma Ag Network Farm Director Ron Hays on Friday and offered a laundry list of issues that local members raised to Buchanan and other state leaders and state staff of the general farm organization. Among the topics included in the discussion were statewide water quality and quantity , county road conditions, Ad valorem taxes, wind energy rights, farm bill implementation and the regulatory overreach by the federal government when it comes to agencies like the Environmental Protection Agency and the US Fish and Wildlife Agency.
Buchanan adds that private property rights issues are always front and center with Farm Bureau members- and the Waters of the US proposed rule is a massive land grab that the organization is working hard to have withdrawn by the EPA.
Buchanan says that County Farm Bureau boards in all 77 counties will be considering policy ideas and form them into resolutions in the next sixty days or so, sending many of them to the Oklahoma Farm Bureau State Resolution Committee that will meet in October. That state Committee will combine similar ideas and compile a list of proposed resolutions that State Delegates to the annual Convention of the group this November.
You can hear Ron and Tom's conversation by clicking on the LISTEN BAR below.
Buchanan will also be featured on Saturday morning at 6:40 am as Ron's guest during his In the Field segment on KWTV, News9 in Oklahoma City.
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