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Ron Hays, Director of Farm and Ranch Programming, Radio Oklahoma Ag Network  |  2401 Exchange Ave, Suite F, Oklahoma City, Ok 73108  |  (405) 601-9211


Agricultural News

Superior Livestock Market Report for April 24, 2015

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 05:38:35 CDT

Superior Livestock Market Report for April 24, 2015 Superior Livestock Market Report
Fort Worth, TX
April 24, 2015


Fort Worth, TX: Cattle producers from 29 states consigned 40,000 stockers, feeders and bred stock to the Superior Livestock Video Auction. The auction was held and broadcast from The Historic Stockyards in Fort Worth, Texas.

Heavy yearling steers were steady to $3 higher than our last sale. Programmed cattle showed strong to $10 higher. Feeder heifers were steady to $2 higher and weaned steer calves brought $10-$12 more than our last sale.

Southern Calves:

Rollins Ranches, Okeechobee, FL, 500lbs, VAC 24, S&A Verified, Out of Eng cross & Brahman cross cows by rep, high indexing Red Angus bulls sired str clvs, $279.50, June del.

Rollins Ranches, Okeechobee, FL, 525lbs, VAC 24, S&A Verified, Out of Eng cross & Brahman cross cows by rep, high indexing Red Angus bulls sired str clvs, $277.00, June del.

Rollins Ranches, Okeechobee, FL, 500lbs, VAC 34, S&A Verified, Cert Natural, Out of Eng cross & Brahman cross cows by 100% rep Char bulls sired hfr clvs, $252.00, June del.

McArthur Farms, Okeechobee, FL, 525lbs, VAC 24, Out of Eng cross & Brahman cross cows by Bear Hammok Angus & Wynn Ranch Brangus bulls sired str clvs, $271.00, June del.

McArthur Farms, Okeechobee, FL, 500lbs, VAC 24, Cert Natural, Out of Eng cross & Brahman cross cows by Bear Hammok Angus & Wynn Ranch Brangus bulls sired hfr clvs, $258.00, June del.

San Carlos Apache Tribe, Tribal Ranches R100, Safford, AZ, 530lbs, VAC 45+, Cert Natural, Out of reg & Commercial Hereford cows by reg Hereford & reg Stevenson Angus bulls sired fdr strs, $304.00, May del.

Magruder Plantation, Midville, GA, 550lbs, VAC 34, Sup Prog Genetics, Out of Eng cross & Angus cows by good boned, high quality Angus bulls sired str clvs, $257.00, June del.

R&W Cattle, Iowa, LA, 575lbs, VAC 24, Out of pred Brangus & Braford cows by reg Angus bulls sired str clvs, $240.00, May-June del.

Ogden Ranch, Quinton, OK, 600lbs, VAC 34+, Out of Connealy Angus cows by ½ Angus ½ Simmental bulls sired str clvs, $253.00, May del.

Denton Koehn, Ulysses, KS, 390lbs, BVD PI Free, Eng & Eng cross sired wnd str clvs, $335.00, June del.

Union Hill Ranch, Ringling, OK, 450lbs, Angus cross, Red Angus cross & Char cross sired wnd str clvs, $299.00, July-August del.

Joe David Yates, Inc., Three Rivers, NM, 475lbs, VAC 45, Out of Western crossbred beef cows by pred Grau, Fritz & Uhip Cole Char & Angus bulls sired wnd str clvs, $277.00, April del.

Joe David Yates, Inc., Three Rivers, NM, 450lbs, VAC 45, Out of Western crossbred beef cows by pred Grau, Fritz & Uhip Cole Char & Angus bulls sired wnd hfr clvs, $259.00, April del.

Todd Neyland, Groesbeck, TX, 450lbs, Angus cross & Char cross sired wnd hfr clvs, $276.50, May del.

J&J Cattle Co., Bryan, TX, 465lbs, Eng & Eng Exotic cross sired wnd str clvs, $301.00, April-May del.

Galen Reece, Luka, KS, 485lbs, Eng & Eng cross sired wnd str clvs, $294.50, April-May del.

2-D Cattle Co., Brunswick, MO, 525lbs, Eng, Eng cross & Eng Exotic cross sired wnd str clvs, $280.00, May del.

Keith Nelson, Crawford, TX, 575lbs, Angus & Angus cross sired wnd str clvs, $276.00, May del.

Northern Calves:

Rafter Y Ranch, Mack, CO, 550lbs, VAC 45, S&A Verified, NHTC, NeverEver3, Out of Black Angus cross cows by Diamond Peak & Sitz Black Angus bulls sired wnd str clvs, $313.00, May del.

Winecup-Gamble Ranch LLC, Bruneau, ID, 650lbs, S&A Verified, NHTC, Sup Prog Genetics, Out of pred Blk Angus & Angus cross cows by pred Black Angus & Angus Composite bulls sired wnd str clvs, $247.50, April del.

Unger Ranch, Yuma, CO, 690lbs, VAC 45, Cert Natural Plus, Sup Prog Genetics, Red Angus & Black Angus sired fdr strs, $259.00, April del.

Rockport Colony, Great Falls, MT, 750lbs, VAC 34, Sup Prog Genetics, Out of Blk Angus & Black Angus Simmental cross cows by DeBruycker Char & Open Gate SimAngus cross bulls sired str clvs, $223.00, October del.

Rockport Colony, Great Falls, MT, 725lbs, VAC 34, Sup Prog Genetics, Out of Blk Angus & Black Angus Simmental cross cows by DeBruycker Char & Open Gate SimAngus cross bulls sired hfr clvs, $211.00, October del.

Southern Yearlings:

Tippie Ranch, Prairie Hill, TX, 750lbs, VAC 45, Sup Prog Genetics, Out of Northern Angus cows by 44 Farms Angus bulls sired fdr strs, $214.00, May del.

J.B. Sackett, Groesbeck, TX, 775lbs, Out of Brangus & Brangus type cows by Angus bulls sired fdr strs, $210.00, May del.

Dean, Nick & Phillip Taylor, Brownwood, TX, 800lbs, VAC 45, Sup Prog Genetics, Out of Angus, BMF & Angus Plus cows by BJ Angus Ranch reg bulls sired fdr strs, $210.00, April-May del.

Roger Welch, Bronson, KS, 825lbs, Black & BWF sired fdr strs, $209.00, May del.

Gary Johnson, Alta Vista, KS, 850lbs, VAC Precon, Angus, Angus cross sired fdr strs, $203.50, May del.

Swenson Land & Cattle, Inc., Stamford, TX, 910lbs, VAC 45, S&A Verified, Cert Natural Plus, Sup Prog Genetics, Angus & Angus cross sired fdr strs, $214.00, April del.

Jeff & Melody Dees, Lawton, OK, 975lbs, VAC 45, S&A Verified, NHTC, Cert Natural Plus, GAP4, Sup Prog Genetics, Out of Angus cows and Duff Ranch Power Plus Blk Angus bulls sired fdr strs, $211.00, April-May del.

Tippie Ranch, Prairie Hill, TX, 675lbs, VAC 45, Out of Northern Angus cows by 44 Farm Angus bulls sired fdr hfrs, $212.00, May del.

FCC, Oxford, KS, 725lbs, VAC 45+, Out of Angus, Angus cross, Hereford cross & Eng Exotic cross cows by Angus & Horned Hereford bulls sired fdr hfrs, $209.00, April del.

7C Land & Cattle LLC, Ponca City, OK, 750lbs, Sup Prog Genetics, Out of Blk Angus cows by reg Express Blk Angus bulls sired fdr hfrs, $204.00, April-May del.

Josh Pleskac, Missouri Valley, IA, 775lbs, Eng & Eng cross sired fdr hfrs, $199.00, June del.

W.T. Waggoner Estate, Vernon, TX, 835lbs, Sup Verified, Cert Natural, Angus & Angus cross sired fdr hfrs, $204.00, April-May del.

W.T. Waggoner Estate, Vernon, TX, 925lbs, Sup Verified, Cert Natural, Hereford sired fdr hfrs, $212.00, April-May del.

W.T. Waggoner Estate, Vernon, TX, 950lbs, Sup Verified, Cert Natural, Angus & Angus Hereford cross sired fdr hfrs, $200.00, April-May del.

Northern Yearlings:

Tom & Megan Erickson, Hornitos, CA, 750lbs, VAC Precon, Black, BWF, Red, RWF & Char cross sired fdr strs, $215.50, May del.

Tom & Megan Erickson, Hornitos, CA, 810lbs, VAC Precon, Black, BWF, Red, RWF & Char cross sired fdr strs, $206.50, May del.

L&K Livestock, Inc., Ohiowa, NE, 850lbs, Black hided sired fdr strs, $212.75, April-May del.


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