Agricultural News
Market Report- Superior Livestock Sale Held Monday July 27- Ft Worth, Tx
Wed, 29 Jul 2015 12:04:38 CDT
Superior Livestock Market
Monday, July 27, 2015
The opening session of the 2015 Video Royale originated from the historic Ft Worth Stockyards on Monday, July 27th- and featured calves and yearlings from the southeast and south central United States.
The Monday auction saw Yearling steers and heifers, all weights, come in $7-$12 less than our Steamboat sale. Weaned steer and heifer calves brought $10-$15 less with instances of $20 less.
Here are some of the highlights from the Monday sale:
Southern Calves:
Shadow Grass Agriculture LLC, Okeechobee, FL, 5251bs, VAC 24, Sup Prog Genetics, Out of Braford cross cows by Mound Creek & Salacoa Valley Brangus & Adams Braford Composite bulls sired str clvs, $228.00, August del.
Norbert Leonards & Leonards Bros., Lake Charles, LA, 5401bs, VAC 24, Out of Brahman cross cows by Char & Brangus bulls sired str clvs, $238.00, Sept-Oct del.
Double D Ranch LLC, Coldwater, KS, 5651bs, VAC 34+, sup Prog Genetics, 70% Angus & Angus cross, 30% Hereford & Hereford cross sired str clvs, $247.00, October del.
Ed Wesner, Reydon, OK, 6501bs, VAC 24, Cert Natural, Out of Angus cows byAngus (pred. sons of New Design1407 & 878, BR Midland, Twin Valley, E161 Bando & TC Moonshine) & Polled Hereford bulls sired str clvs, $233.00, Septemberdel.
Wes Kimble, Douglas, AZ, 4001bs, VAC 45, Cert Natural Plus, Out of Angus, English cross & Brahman cross cows by Stockton & Massey reg Angus bulls sired wnd str clvs, $295.00, November del.
Wes Kimble, Douglas, AZ, 3801bs, VAC 45, Cert Natural Plus, Out of Angus, English cross & Brahman cross cows by Stockton & Massey reg Angus bulls sired wnd hfr clvs, $274.00, November del.
Don & Lynn Kimble, Douglas, AZ, 4251bs, VAC 45, sup Verified, BVD PI Free, out of 80% Angus & Brangus, 20% Brahman & English cross cows by Angus & Brangus bulls sired wnd str clvs, $284.00, November del.
Don & Lynn Kimble, Douglas, AZ, 4001bs, VAC 45, sup Verified, BVD PI Free, out of 80% Angus & Brangus, 20% Brahman & English cross cows by Angus & Brangus bulls sired wnd hfr clvs, $272.50, November del.
Arch Diamond Dairy, Portales, NM, 4601bs, VAC 45+, Out of Holstein cows by reg Angus (ABS genetics; Incentive, Final Product, Monument, Power Hitter, New Era & High Density) bulls sired wnd str clvs, $300.00, November del.
Arch Diamond Dairy, Portales, NM, 4401bs, VAC 45+, Out of Holstein cows by reg Angus (ABS genetics; Incentive, Final Product, Monument, Power Hitter, New Era & High Density) bulls sired wnd hfr clvs, $286.00, November del.
Watson Family Ranch LLC, Morris, 0K, 5251bs, VAC 45, Red Angus 3/4 Red Angus 1/4 Hereford on Cross Diamond and Jeffries Cattle Co. bulls sired wnd str clvs, S275.00, August del.
Farms, Morrill, KS, 5851bs, VAC Precon, Angus & Angus cross, 100% Black hided sired wnd str clvs, $260.00, August del.
Roger & Deana Magnuson, Buffalo, MO, 6401bs, VAC 45+, Sup Verified, Out of Angus & Angus cross cows by Al sons of SV Bismarck, Net Worth & Final Answer Angus bulls sired wnd str clvs, $240.00, August del.
Springer Farms LLC, Crane, MO, 5101bs, BVD PI Free, English, Eng Exotic cross sired wnd hfr clvs, $220.00, August del.
Union Hill Ranch, Ringling, OK, 5501bs, Angus cross, Red Angus cross & Char cross sired wnd hfr clvs, S227.50, Sept-Oct del.
Southern Yearlings:
Donelson Cattle co., Clarksville, TX, 7251bs, VAC 45, BVD PI Free, English, Eng cross & Eng Exotic cross cows by Char or Angus bulls sired fdr strs, $215.00, August del.
Frank York, Ashland, KS, 7501bs, BVD PI Free, English, Eng cross, Exotic cross & Eng Exotic cross sired fdr strs, $216.00, Sept-Oct del.
Howard Ranches, Inc., Waurika, 0K, 7751bs, VAC Precon, BVD PI Free, Angus & Angus cross, 80-90% Black sired fdr strs, $209.50, August del.
Tate Cattle co., Welch, 0K, 8501bs, VAC 45+, Verified, Out of Angus cross cows by Buford & Express Ranches Angus bulls sired fdr strs, $214.00, October del.
Turkey Creek Cattle Co., Yates Center, KS, 9001bs, Angus, Angus cross, 100% black hided sired fdr strs, $205.00, Aug-Sept del.
Tate Cattle co., Welch, 0K, 7601bs, VAC 45+, Verified, Out of Angus cross cows by Buford & Express Ranches Angus bulls sired fdr hfrs, $212.50, Sept-Oct del.
Jerry Byrd, Dighton, KS, 7751bs, English, Eng cross & Exotic cross sired spayed fdr hfrs, $205.00, August del.
For more information about Superior Livestock, call 1-800-422-2117.
For more information on the Video Royale sale the balance of the week- click here.
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