Agricultural News
American Farm Bureau Federation Says Canadian and Mexican Tariffs Puts American Farmers at Risk
Mon, 07 Dec 2015 15:07:02 CST
Statement by Bob Stallman, President, American Farm Bureau Federation,
Regarding Potential Canadian and Mexican Tariffs on Beef, Chicken and Pork
"The World Trade Organization has given Canada and Mexico the right to place more than $1 billion in tariffs on beef, chicken and pork, based on the last seven years of U.S. country-of-origin labeling requirements. These tariffs would place our nation's farmers and ranchers at serious risk. We urge the Senate to act now to repeal country-of-origin labeling for beef, pork and chicken and eliminate the threat of damaging tariffs on U.S. agricultural exports to Canada and Mexico.
"AFBF supports country-of-origin labeling that meets WTO requirements, and we support the remaining COOL programs, but the risk of retaliation by Canada and Mexico is too great. U.S. farmers and ranchers could suffer a serious blow if Congress does not act quickly."
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