Agricultural News
It's Time to Rock the Hill- Wade Cowan Calls on Farmers to Defend Biotech as Senate Considers Voluntary GMO Labeling
Fri, 04 Mar 2016 05:11:50
It's time to rock the Hill. That was the battle cry from the Chairman of the American Soybean Association's Board of Directors, Wade Cowan of Brownfield, Texas. Cowan told reporters at Commodity Classic in New Orleans on Thursday that the GMO labeling debate is the "tipping point" for the future of biotechnology.
The Coalition for Safe Affordable Food and the American Soybean Association have mounted an effort to persuade the Senate to pass a bill to preempt state GMO labeling laws. The Senate Agriculture Committee approved a preemption measure earlier this week, 14-6, and negotiations are now underway to get the Democratic support needed to overcome an expected filibuster.
A toll-free number has been set up for farmers and others who support the Voluntary Labeling Effort- 866-464-6633. Cowan told reporters that you will find a live person on the other end of the phone that will help you craft your own message about why you want Congress to approve the Voluntary GMO Labeling Bill and then help the person calling with contacting their Senators. The Texas soybean producer says that farmers need to call their senators "like a Chicago voter; early and often."
The most passionate three minutes of Commodity Classic through Thursday was seen in that News Conference as Wade Cowan spoke directly to farmers through the media- click on the LISTEN BAR below to hear his comments about the need to "rock the Hill" about the voluntary GMO Laebling Bill.
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