Agricultural News
From the 2016 Commodity Classic- Ron Hays Talks Sorghum Checkoff with Florentino Lopez
Thu, 03 Mar 2016 21:57:37
From the 2016 Commodity Classic in New Orleans- Radio Oklahoma Network Director of Farm Programming Ron Hays talked with the Executive Director of the National Sorghum Checkoff Board, Florentino Lopez. Hays and Lopez talked about several big picture topics important to grain sorghum producers- including how the checkoff has supported research to realize the hope of controlling grasses and other weeds with an over the top ag chemical, how the checkoff has supported overseas education of buyers in places like China, Japan and Mexico and how the checkoff is also supporting the research and development of new product uses of grain sorghum domestically.
Florentino helps direct the collection and the investment of the national sorghum checkoff. The United Sorghum Checkoff Program has a mission statement Lopez says is used to measure what is done on behalf of grain sorghum producers across the country- "The Sorghum Checkoff commits to efficiently invest checkoff dollars to increase producer profitability and enhance the sorghum industry."
You can learn more about the Checkoff Program by clicking here.
You can listen to the conversation between Hays and Lopez by clicking on the LISTEN BAR.
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