Agricultural News
2016 Oklahoma Youth Expo Begins the Second Century of the World's Largest Junior Livestock Show
Wed, 09 Mar 2016 05:31:21 CST
It is year one hundred and one for what is called the world's largest junior livestock show- and today, the breeding gilts begin to arrive at the 2016 edition of the Oklahoma Youth Expo, starting the ten days of the livestock show that has developed into a lot more. Tyler Norvell, Executive Director of the Oklahoma Youth Expo, says that despite the soft economy, entries were at record levels for the 2016 event.
"I couldn't believe it but we broke the entries record, the number of students record again- 17,000 entries, seventy one hundred kids. You know with the economy slowing down and coming off our hundred year anniversary that there was no way it would be up- but it was," and Norvell says it is all about people believing that young people learn so many life lessons from raising and caring for their animals. Norvell says that support for the District Shows ahead of this year's OYE has also been strong- and that encourages him as the 101st OYE begins its ten day run.
Norvell does not expect to match the Premium Sale of 2015 that celebrated the centennial of the show- but he believes it will be the second best ever. He also points to expectations for another really strong Breeding Gilt Sale with 4,800 entries in the gilt division this year, up from 4,300 a year ago. He believes that is being driven by the strength of the sale of the top gilts that saw 110 gilts being sold in 2015, grossing over a half million dollars for the exhibitors.
To relive the 2015 Expo, click here for our FLICKR album of pictures from last year- over sixteen hundred photos capture the show from the opening of the gates to the record setting Premium Sale ten days later. Pictured here with this story is the owner of the Grand Champion Market Goat for 2015- Kami Oller of the Garber FFA Chapter.
Radio Oklahoma Ag Network Farm Director Ron Hays talked with Tyler Norvell on the eve of the start of the 2016 OYE- and you can hear their full conversation about this year's Expo and what might be ahead for the 100 year old show- click on the LISTEN BAR below to check it out.
Our Coverage of the 2016 Oklahoma Youth Expo is a service of ITC Great Plains, Your Energy Superhighway- learn more about this high voltage, transmission only utility and their committment to the communities they serve which is the cornerstone of their business- click here for their website. We also salute the title sponsor of the 2016 OYE, McDonalds- click here to learn more about how McDonalds is a leader in sustainability.
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