Agricultural News
Sydney Bean of Newcastle FFA Shows Supreme Champion Breeding Doe at 2016 OYE
Sun, 13 Mar 2016 07:28:52 CDT
Over seven hundred Breeding Does went through the show ring on Saturday as judge Bronc Fleming reviewed sixteen classes and proclaimed the quality and depth of the 2016 show as excellent, confirming in his mind that the best Goat shows are found in Oklahoma and Texas. Fleming is from San Angelo, Texas and is a veteran in showing youth and open goat shows across the country.
At the end of the show, he singled out two goats that he thought were clearly best of the show- and then shook the hand of Syndney Bean of Newcastle FFA, congratulating her for showing the Division Three Champion and the Overall Supreme Breeding Doe Champion.
The Reserve Supreme Champion Breeding Doe was the Division Four Champ, shown by Jaelyn Sewell of the Latta FFA. Third Place Breeding Doe of the show was exihibited by Blaine Rue of Lexington FFA- Blaine showed the Division Two Champ.
Fourth place overall was the second place Doe in Division Two- owned by Colton Price of Caddo 4-H, while the fifth place Doe was the Division One Champ- shown and owned by Tyler Trotter of Drummond 4-H.
We have pictures from the Champion Drive and more from the Breeding Doe show in our Flickr Album.
Already posted are more than 400 photos from the 2016 OYE, you can check them out on our FLICKR page that is located here. Exhibitors and their families are welcome to download their favorite pictures from our 2016 OYE Flickr Album.
Our Coverage of the 2016 Oklahoma Youth Expo is a service of ITC Great Plains, Your Energy Superhighway- learn more about this high voltage, transmission only utility and their committment to the communities they serve which is the cornerstone of their business- click here for their website. We also salute the title sponsor of the 2016 OYE, McDonalds- click here to learn more about how McDonalds is a leader in sustainability.
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