Agricultural News
The Masters in Beef Advocacy Program Helps Beef Producers Take Advocacy Onto Social Media Platforms- Old and New
Sun, 20 Mar 2016 20:58:37 CDT
We continue our conversation with Daren Williams about the Masters in Beef Advocacy Program in this latest Beef Buzz- and Daren says that the MBA program strives to stay current with the social media platforms that consumers are migrating to- and that includes newer platforms like Snapchat and Periscope- complimenting the more established social media platforms Facebook and Twitter that many MBA graduates use with great success.
He also talks about the success of working with the Oklahoma FFA in establishing a DVD based MBA program that can be used in the classroom- and he reports that the efforts that started in Oklahoma have gone national in training students in Ag Education about Beef Advocacy.
The Masters in Beef Advocacy Program sprang from a need that beef industry leaders saw- the need to help cattle producers have the tools to be able to talk with consumers about today's Beef Industry. The checkoff-funded MBA program is a self-directed online training program designed to equip beef producers and industry allies with the information they need to be everyday advocates for the beef industry.
Williams tells Hays "We launched MBA in 2009, and we had a lofty goal of 50 graduates for that first year- we ended up with over a thousand- we've had about a thousand graduates each year ever since and we are actually on a record pace for 2016- we have already eclipsed over a thousand graduates"(fiscal year 2016 which began back last October first). He says the numbers simply translate into "more people equiped on the ground to engage the consumer in conversations about beef."
More informaton about the MBA, including the MBA 2.0, is available online by clicking here.
The Beef Buzz available by clicking on the LISTEN BAR below is our second segment of our conversation with Daren on the MBA- click here for the part one of our interview.
The Beef Buzz is a regular feature heard on radio stations around the region on the Radio Oklahoma Network- but is also a regular audio feature found on this website as well. Click on the LISTEN BAR below for today's show- and check out our archives for older Beef Buzz shows covering the gamut of the beef cattle industry today.
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