Agricultural News
NCGA Helps Ag Research Soar into the Future
Tue, 29 Mar 2016 17:17:56 CDT
The National Corn Growers Association joined the Supporters of Agricultural Research (SoAR) as part of its strategic plan to increase research funding to expand demand and improve productivity and sustainability.
"As a partner of SoAR, NCGA will be able to further its efforts to achieve public polices in the research arena that will benefit all U.S. Corn farmers," said NCGA Research and Business Development Action Team Chair Larry Hoffmann. "While we work to build demand, it is also imperative NCGA maintains important efforts to keep the research pipeline flowing. As members of this respected group, we will amplify our voice by working with like-minded groups and ensure that research funding remains a top priority for Congress."
SoAR was established as a non-partisan coalition of scientific, consumer and producer groups in 2012 to seek sound research policies that focus more of our best minds on feeding America and the world and to advocate for increased funding for such research.
SoAR works with major research institutions, farmer groups, scientific organizations, consumer groups and other private sector partners who believe a strong competitive grants program will encourage top scientists from multiple disciplines-from botany and biology to energy and engineering-to address the many agriculture-related challenges facing our country today.
SoAR advocates for full funding for the Agriculture Food and Research Initiative. AFRI is a program established by Congress in 2008 to award competitive grants for research projects-at any institution-that apply best ideas from any discipline to the many problems confronting today's farmers and consumers.
SOAR Foundation also works to educate various stakeholders about the importance of agriculture research including full funding for the AFRI. Competitive grants encourage innovation by directing federal funds to the most promising proposals. This approach laid the foundation for America's global leadership in biomedical innovation. Now, SoAR believes the time is right to greatly increase funding for competitive grants in the exciting and rapidly expanding world of agricultural research.
For more information on SoAR, click here.
Source - National Corn Growers Association
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