Agricultural News
Vice Chairman Brett Morris Gives Update on Recent CBB Activities
Tue, 26 Jul 2016 11:31:50 CDT
As the year rolls on, the Cattlemen's Beef Board (CBB) and Brett Morris, CBB vice chairman from Oklahoma, are working to get marching orders from the grassroots level for the coming term. Recently returning from the National Cattlemen's Beef Association (NCBA) Summer Business meeting in Denver, Morris reported on the projects and processes coming out of that conference.
Assigned to the Consumer Trust Committee, Morris was able to engage in the scoring process of 17 tactics present by four different contractors that will potentially carry out the following year's directives set by the CBB. Morris says that the process is very lengthy as the board works to represent and incorporate the wants of producers nationwide with the areas that market research identifies as being critical to success.
"We had 27 new members come in to the Beef Board this year and this would have been their first means to actually get involved in it," Morris said, "and from what I could see of the new members that came in, they were very involved, they gelled with the rest of the group, they did a very good job. Probably one of the better groups that we have ever had come in."
After scoring the proposals, the next step is to take the committee's recommendations to the Operating Committee, says Morris, which is scheduled to convene in September. The scores will be applied to the board's long term plan and an operating budget will be constructed for the coming year.
Morris says, currently, the board has more projects lined up than what the budget is projected to allow. Morris asserts that this is where the board will get down to brass tax and this year he says they will need to make a $4 million cut to the budget to make operations go according to plan, where attention can be paid to the board's main focuses like research and export growth.
Listen to CBB Vice Chairman Brett Morris speak more in depth about the Cattlemen's Beef Board by clicking on the LISTEN BAR below.
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