Agricultural News
CASNR Ambassadors Prepare for 18th Annual Future Collegiate Leaders Conference at OSU
Wed, 17 Aug 2016 17:29:23 CDT
Future Collegiate Leaders Conference | November 19-20, 2016
The College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources (CASNR) Ambassadors at Oklahoma State University (OSU) are once again hard at work preparing for the 18th annual Future Collegiate Leaders Conference (FCLC). The Ambassadors are excited to welcome close to 75 high school juniors and seniors to the OSU campus between November 19-20, 2016.
"Our goal is to host a conference that leaves an impression on participants by not only honing their leadership skills, but also learning valuable and practical information that they can use to be successful in college and in the work force. FCLC attendees will be introduced to OSU faculty members and other leaders within the agriculture and natural resources industry with a passion for sharing their wisdom and helping cultivate our next generation of leaders," said Lauren Clark, FCLC chairwoman and agribusiness senior.
Applications will be available September 1, 2016 and will be due October 1.
Selected participants will be notified on or before October 15.
CASNR Ambassadors will offer a limited amount of need based travel and registration scholarships. All other FCLC participants will be responsible for a $75 registration fee that covers FCLC lodging, meal, entertainment, workshops and tours.
The Ambassadors aim to make FCLC an event students are excited to attend and benefit from.
Contact CASNR Prospective Student Coordinator Kristi Bishop to answer any questions at 405-744-9804 or email Kristi at kristi.bishop@okstate.edu.
Visit this link after September 1, 2016 for applications.
Source - The College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources (CASNR) at Oklahoma State University
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