Agricultural News
2016 Hard Red Winter Wheat Harvest Almost Complete- Plains Grains
Fri, 05 Aug 2016 05:42:37 CDT
Plains Grains continues to follow the 2016 Hard Red Winter Wheat harvest in the northern belt of the HRW belt. Mark Hodges, Executive Director for Plains Grains, says that with about two thirds of the samples he hopes to have submitted from the 2016 in and tested, protein levels for the 2016 have landed at 11.1 percent, down from the higher than normal 12.3 percent seen in 2015. Test weights have stayed good from south to north- and have averaged 60.1 pounds per bushel.
According to the latest report released on Thursday evening, August 4th, "The 2016 HRW harvest is winding down or complete in almost all production areas. Harvest progress continues to be well ahead of the normal average for this date. Warmer than normal climatic conditions have prevailed during the last half of the production cycle in all areas. Over the last 7 days harvest weather has been favorable in all areas still cutting with very few exceptions. Montana is now 75% complete with HRW harvest with areas in the northwest (just east of the mountains) and north central parts of the state lagging slightly behind in maturity due to higher moisture conditions during the final stages of crop development. Montana continues to report average yields with a wide range of proteins. Much of the crop in Montana is remaining on farm as several elevators are not currently receiving HRW in favor of other higher value crops and limited storage space availability. This limited space has forced lower protein wheat to ground piles at many locations when space becomes an issue."
Plains Grains is calling the harvest done in Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado and Nebraska.
To review the full report on harvest and the quality of the 2016 crop, click on the PDF file at the bottom of this report.
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