Agricultural News
Weatherford FFA and Stephens County 4-H Have Top Teams at 2016 State Fair of Oklahoma Livestock Judging Contest
Fri, 16 Sep 2016 06:03:05 CDT
Oklahoma Farm Bureau's Young Farmers and Ranchers committee hosted more than 1,000 Oklahoma agriculture students at the group's annual Oklahoma State Fair livestock judging contest held September 15 at the state fairgrounds in Oklahoma City. Topping the team competition was the Weatherford FFA Chapter as they won the Senior FFA Division. High individual of the contest was Trent Kitchell of Hartshorne FFA.
Students judged eight classes of livestock along with two classes where they were asked specific questions about the animals they judged.
"Our YF&R committee is proud to put on this judging contest for 4-H and FFA members to help develop their livestock judging skills," said Josh Emerson, OKFB YF&R state chairman. "We really believe the skills students can learn from livestock judging, things like decision-making and justifying their choices, will help them later in life no matter if they go on to work on a farm or in an industry not related to agriculture."
Awards were presented to 4-H and FFA teams and individuals in junior and senior divisions.
The top three award winners for each group were:
Junior 4-H Individual
First: Hattie Steichen of Kay County; Second: Preston Francis of Washington County; Third: Austin Reed of Alva
Junior 4-H Team
First: Kay County 4-H Team 3; Second: Amber-Pocasset 4-H Team 1; Third: Washington County 4-H Team 1
Senior 4-H Individual
First: Mackinzi Overman of Kay County; Second: Will Shelby of Marshall County; Third: Maverick Williams of Stephens County
Senior 4-H Team
First: Stephens County 4-H Team 1; Second: Kay County 4-H; Third: Alex 4-H
Junior FFA Individual
First: Braden Burns of Kingfisher; Second: Peyton Burns of Kingfisher; Third: Victoria Gerken of Kingfisher
Junior FFA Team
First: Kingfisher FFA; Second: Sentinel FFA; Third: Adair FFA
Senior FFA Individual
First: Trent Kitchell of Hartshorne; Second: Braeton Kimble of Weatherford; Third: Caden Church of Sentinel
Senior FFA Team
First: Weatherford FFA Team 1; Second: Prague FFA; Third: Yukon FFA
Full results can be viewed by clicking here for the Judging Card website.
The Oklahoma State University Animal Science Department helped conduct the contest, providing officiating and scoring of the classes.
The Oklahoma Farm Bureau Young Farmers and Ranchers program allows members of Farm Bureau, between the ages of 18 and 35, to develop leadership skills, to be involved in their local communities, to compete in contests to win valuable prizes and to develop long lasting friendships with people from across the state and country.
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