Agricultural News
American Farmers & Ranchers President Terry Detrick Reconsiders Plans to Step Aside
Wed, 28 Sep 2016 16:37:52 CDT
The following statement was released today by American Farmers & Ranchers President Terry Detrick. Detrick had announced earlier this year he planned to step aside as AFR President to pursue other roles within the organization.
"The recent announcement of my intentions to step aside as President of AFR this coming February has created uncertainty and anxiety among the AFR membership and others which I did not anticipate.
"Causing concern and confusion among those whom I've had the honor of serving was never my intention. Therefore, God willing, I will fulfill my obligation as President of AFR until my term expires in February 2019.
"AFR members have placed their trust in my abilities and I do not want to lessen that trust.
"I will continue to represent AFR and the agriculture industry to the best of my ability. Pursuing the best for all AFR endeavors and agriculture is who I am and that will not change!
"I look forward to continuing our strong relationships within the industry and a brighter tomorrow.
"Thank You.
"Terry Detrick"
Source - American Farmers & Ranchers
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