Agricultural News
Oklahoma Ag Leader Sets Record Straight on State Question 777 - Right to Farm as Vote Nears
Tue, 01 Nov 2016 20:08:53 CDT
With the November 8th election just around the corner, Radio Oklahoma Network Farm Director Ron Hays caught up with YES on 777 campaign leader Roy Lee Lindsey of the Oklahoma Pork Council, to get his last minute thoughts on the feverishly debated State Question 777 - Right to Farm, as voters begin to make up their minds on the issue. He boils his argument as to why Oklahomans should vote 'Yes' on SQ777 down to just a few points.
"From an agricultural perspective - no one knows better how to take care of their animals, no one cares more about their animals than the people that do it every day," Lindsey said. "For consumers that don't work on the farm - we hope that message resonates with you as well, but ultimately the Yes side is about preserving choices for you in the grocery store."
Lindsey asserts that should SQ777 fail, out of state activists such as the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), the largest donor to the Oklahoma Stewardship Council, one of the two groups organized to oppose the Right to Farm proposal, will work to limit choices available to today's consumers.
"I think that's a notion contrary to what most Oklahomans believe," Lindsey said.
For voters still on the fence about the issue due to the large amount of contradictory information being spread, Lindsey says, that is because it has been the job of the opposition to confuse the public.
"They're not as concerned about being truthful," Lindsey said. "They're telling stories that just simply don't add up. It surprises me the lengths at which some of them would go to paint the rest of us in a bad picture when they're dependent on us to put food on their table every day."
Listen to Ron Hays' full conversation with Roy Lee Lindsey about his thoughts on the State Question 777 - Right to Farm debate, by clicking on the LISTEN BAR below.
The Radio Oklahoma Ag Network encourages you to perform due diligence on State Question 777- we have several resources gathered together in one place that may help you do that- click here for info that will help you on State Question 777- which includes the actual language of the measure that you will see on Ballot and several interviews done by RON with proponents and opponents of the State Question.
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