Agricultural News
Oklahoma Forester Kurt Atkinson Honored with the Society of American Foresters 2016 Fellow Award
Tue, 08 Nov 2016 09:50:24 CST
Oklahoma forester, Kurt Atkinson, is a recipient of the Society of American Foresters 2016 Fellow Award, a prestigious honor that recognizes long-standing service to the forestry profession.
"Kurt is most deserving of this honor," said George Geissler, director, Oklahoma Forestry Services. "Now retired, Kurt had a stellar career of service with Oklahoma Forestry Services for over four decades. He was a leader, not only within our agency, but also in several statewide and regional professional organizations, including our state's chapter of the Society of American Foresters."
Atkinson received his forestry degree from Oklahoma State University in 1974 and began his career with Oklahoma Forestry Services, serving 33 years as Assistant Director and Management Chief. Under Atkinson's leadership "Best Management Practices" were initiated. He also had a significant impact on forest management activities statewide, including stewardship, forest health, nursery operations, forest inventory analysis and the Forest Heritage Center Museum.
"Kurt has always been an insightful, respected, and visionary leader, and has served as a mentor and role model for many foresters in Oklahoma," said Dr. Thomas Kuzmic, Oklahoma State University and District IX SAF Fellow Committee Representative. "I was honored to present Kurt's nomination during the SAF committee proceedings earlier this year and was delighted with his selection to this year's class."
According to the Society of American Foresters, the rank of Fellow is one of the highest honors for members and signifies exceptional recognition by his or her peers for outstanding contributions and service to the organization and profession. Only 23 Fellows were chosen from across the nation for the 2016 class, with Atkinson being the only Oklahoman. Award winners were recently recognized at the 2016 Society of American Foresters National Convention.
Source - Oklahoma Forestry Services
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