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Ron Hays, Director of Farm and Ranch Programming, Radio Oklahoma Ag Network  |  2401 Exchange Ave, Suite F, Oklahoma City, Ok 73108  |  (405) 601-9211


Agricultural News

Roberts Introduces Kansan Gregg Doud to be Chief Agricultural Negotiator, Vouches for His Ability

Thu, 05 Oct 2017 11:57:27 CDT

Roberts Introduces Kansan Gregg Doud to be Chief Agricultural Negotiator, Vouches for His Ability U.S. Senator Pat Roberts (R-Kan.), a senior member of the Senate Finance Committee and Chairman of the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry, today introduced Kansan Gregory Doud at the hearing on his nomination to serve as Chief Agricultural Negotiator in the Office of the United States Trade Representative.

Speaking before the Senate Finance Committee, Roberts said, "I know Gregg will be the voice of farmers, ranchers, and growers. His professional experience and his Kansas common sense will serve American agriculture well. I frequently hear from farmers and ranchers that trade tops their list of priorities. The agriculture industry is in need of certainty, especially during the rough patch we are currently experiencing. I look forward to working with him in taking on this challenge."

For video of Roberts' introduction, go here. For Mr. Doud's testimony, go here.

Roberts' full remarks, as prepared, are below.

"Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I have the distinct honor of introducing Gregg Doud, the nominee to be our Chief Ag Negotiator. Gregg is joined by his wife Penny, their two children, and his parents at the hearing today.

"Gregg is a Kansan, born and raised. He is tied to the land, playing a large role in operating his family farm near Mankato, Kansas. He understands first hand that for any farmer or rancher to be successful in today's global economy, the U.S. must sell not only what we make but also what we grow.

"Gregg's professional background in agriculture policy has spanned over twenty years. An agriculture economist by education, Gregg began his career working in agriculture commodity consulting and later working for commodity trade associations. During his time at the National Cattlemen's Beef Association, Gregg chaired the USDA/USTR Animal and Animal products Agriculture Trade Advisory Committee.

"I want to emphasize Gregg's experience as the trade policy advisor for the Senate Agriculture Committee during my time as the Ranking Member. I often say, "As a Senator, you are only as good as your staff", and I can honestly say, when in the middle of drafting a Farm Bill I could not have asked for a smarter and more talented trade advisor.

"Throughout the confirmation process, Gregg and I have had multiple conversations about agriculture trade. We have discussed his priorities for expanding markets for agriculture commodities, especially engaging with Pacific Rim countries.

"Most importantly, we share the view that the agriculture industry needs an administration that not only focuses on expanding markets, but also one that will continue to be a reliable supplier to our current trading partners.

"The agriculture industry is in need of certainty, especially during the rough patch we are currently experiencing. Gregg, I know you will be the voice of farmers, ranchers, and growers, and I look forward to working with you in taking on this challenge."

Doud grew up on a farm near Mankato, Kansas. Prior to his current role as President of the Commodity Markets Council, he served as a senior professional staff member for Chairman Roberts on the Senate Agriculture Committee. Doud graduated from Kansas State University with a Bachelor's degree in Agriculture and a Master's degree in Agricultural Economics.

The Senate Finance Committee will hold a business meeting to vote on Doud's nomination at a later date. The nomination will then be considered by the full Senate.

Source - The Office of Senator Pat Roberts



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