Agricultural News
Meet Weatherford FFA's Hunter Graumann, Your 2019 Southwest Area Star in Ag Placement
Tue, 02 Apr 2019 16:44:08 CDT
During the month of April, the Radio Oklahoma Ag Network and Oklahoma Farm Report is spotlighting the twenty Area Stars of Oklahoma FFA that are among the highest achievers in the organization. The stars come from the five areas in four categories- Star in Ag Placement, Star in Agriscience, Star in Agribusiness and Star in Production Agriculture. This week, we spotlight the five area stars in Agricultural Placement for 2019. One Star Finalist featured in the coming days from each of the categories, will be named the State Star Award Winner during the Oklahoma State FFA Convention coming up April 30 - May 1, 2019 in Oklahoma City.
Today, we would like to introduce this year's Southwest Area Star in Agriculture Placement, Hunter Graumann of the Weatherford FFA Chapter. For the last several years, Graumann has been following in the footsteps of his father constructing barns and outbuildings for his family's business, Gmann Custom Barns. He remembers how his dad first got him involved.
"He brought me to work one day and I absolutely loved it," Graumann exclaimed. "They taught me things like how to use an oxyacetylene cutting torch, how to weld and how to use screw guns and everything like that."
Beyond such practical skills, Graumann says he has developed some broader competencies as well like responsibility and respect for his elders and supervisors. The skills he has picked up on the job and as a member of the FFA have complemented one another. Graumann has been an active member of FFA serving three years as a chapter officer and a livestock judge and enjoys his ag mechanics class and mentoring younger members.
"FFA has done many, many things for me," he said. "It has taught me respect and helped me make new friends I'll never forget."
After graduation, Graumann plans to attend Oklahoma State University to pursue a degree in Agricultural Education. Professionally, he hoped to one day either teach ag or take over his family's business.
You can hear his entire conversation with Radio Oklahoma Ag Network Farm Director Ron Hays, by clicking or tapping on the LISTEN BAR below.
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