Agricultural News
Funk Companies Purchases Radio Oklahoma Ag Network, Oklahoma's Largest Radio Network
Fri, 05 Apr 2019 15:07:02 CDT
The Funk Companies announced today the purchase of the Radio Oklahoma Ag Network from the owners, Watermark Farm Company.
Bob Funk Sr. said of the purchase: "Radio Oklahoma Ag Network has been the trusted source for agricultural news and information in the State of Oklahoma and I am excited for our organization to be a part of this venture."
Tim West, the former owner of the network and General Manager, will remain on with the company in his present role. Legendary Director of Farm Programming, Ron Hays will also remain with the company in his present role. Hays, in his 45th year of farm broadcasting, will be backed up by Associate Director of Farm Programming Carson Horn and Market Specialist Dave Lanning.
West said of the sale, "It will be business as usual at the Radio Oklahoma Ag Network, but with the benefit of the involvement of Bob Funk Sr. and his enduring commitment to agriculture in Oklahoma."
Hays commented on the ownership change for the Radio Oklahoma Ag Network, "Mr. Funk's Express Ranches is the premiere purebred cattle operation in the US- and to be in the same corporate family will be both exciting and challenging as I look forward to finding ways to enhance our product offering and brand in the cattle industry and other segments of Oklahoma agriculture."
The Radio Oklahoma Ag Network consists of 45 radio affiliates from across Oklahoma and surrounding states. It produces valuable programming to radio stations via agricultural newscasts, market reports, market analysis as well as a full range of digital products. Ron Hays Daily email is Oklahoma's daily report on farm and ranch news, and has 5,000 daily subscribers. The website is www.oklahomafarmreport.com and is a "must read" for farmers, ranchers, political leaders and anyone interested in Oklahoma's multibillion dollar business.
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