Agricultural News
US Corn Crop Planting Reported for First Time This Spring- Winter Wheat Crop Remains 60% Good to Excellent This Week
Tue, 16 Apr 2019 05:42:48 CDT
According to the USDA National Crop Progress Report, we are starting to get numbers on the planting of the 2019 corn, cotton and sorghum crops. The US Corn crop, which may be a difficult one to get in the ground this spring, is three percent planted versus the five year average of five percent- Texas has just over half of their corn crop in the ground, while up in the midwest, Indiana is only one of the "I" states started yet- with one percent in the ground according to this week's report. Kansas and Missouri both have six percent of their corn planted versus a five year average of 14% and 15% respectively.
Nationally- 7% of the cotton crop is planted- in line with the five year average- and that includes a three percent planted in Oklahoma and 11% planted in Texas.. Winter wheat condition is the same as last week in 9 percent Very Poor-Poor, 31 Fair, 60 Good-Excellent- but remains in much better shape than in 2018 when it was called 31% in good to excellent shape- and 37% poor to very poor.
Click or tap here for the national Crop Progress report released on Monday afternoon, April 15.
Checking the south central part of the US- vWinter wheat jointing in Oklahoma reached 65 percent, down 7 points from the previous year and down 19 points from normal. The wheat crop condition stands at 74% good to excellent this week- off two points from a week ago. Besides the cotton crop number we mentioned above, Oklahoma has 12% of the expected corn crop planted and 2% of the grain sorghum crop in the ground.
For Oklahoma's Crop Progress Report, click or tap here.
Kansas winter wheat condition rated 2 percent very poor, 8 poor, 31 fair, 49 good, and 10 excellent(Good to excellent number is 1% better than a week ago). Winter wheat jointed was 26 percent, ahead of 21 last year, but well behind 46 for the five-year average. Corn planted was 6 percent, near 5 last year, but behind 14 average.
For Kansas' Crop Progress Report, click or tap here.
Regarding the Texas wheat crop- our neighbors to the south in the Northern Low Plains, the Blacklands and the Edwards Plateau were in the heading stage. Wheat in South Texas was turning color. Texas winter wheat showed 51 percent Good-Excellent, 35 Fair, and 14 Poor-Very Poor.(Good to excellent number is up 4 points this week versus last)
For Texas' Crop Progress Report, click or tap here.
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