Agricultural News
Extension Offers Producers Free Safety Training at Custom Harvest and Farm Safety Day, April 30th
Tue, 16 Apr 2019 10:02:27 CDT
Farmers, ranchers and property managers are invited to attend an upcoming Farm Safety Day at the end of this month in Woodward County. This special event will cover topics such as first aid, power line safety, safe transport of equipment and more. The agenda for the day is geared toward custom harvest crews but will benefit anyone involved in agriculture that uses large equipment.
The featured speaker for this event is Jim Seeberger, CHI Senior Loss Control Specialist. Other guests scheduled to speak include Susan Griffin, an HPTC nursing instructor who will discuss emergency first aid specific to accidents commonly seen on the farm. In addition, representatives from the Oklahoma Highway Patrol will discuss how to safely move equipment down the highway. Representatives of Northwestern Electric will also be there to discuss safe practices when working around power lines.
This event, hosted by Woodward County Extension in cooperation with U.S. Custom Harvesters, Inc., will be held April 30th, 2019 at the Woodward County Event Center & Fairgrounds located at 105 Temple Houston Drive in Woodward, Okla. Registration will begin at 9:30 a.m. that morning with coffee and donuts. Lunch will be also be provided. Those interested in attending the event are asked to RSVP with the Woodward County Extension Office at 580-254-3391 by April 19th.
The event is sponsored by Farm Credit of Western Oklahoma, Custom Harvest Insurance, Ltd. And Stride Bank. For more information about this event, contact Dana Bay at dana.bay@okstate.edu.
Source - Woodward County Extension
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