Agricultural News
The Quapaw Nation is hosting a FREE Simple Steps to Healthy Soils Workshop in Miami, Oklahoma
Mon, 22 Apr 2019 09:27:26 CDT
Simple Steps to Better Soil Health. Join the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and NRCS soil scientists for a FREE soil health workshop and lunch. The Quapaw Nation is hosting the FREE workshop on May 13 in Miami, Oklahoma, covering the benefits and steps to healthy soil.
Topics will include grazing management steps for healthy soil to increase forage, and a Quapaw Nation Soil Health project update, as well as many others subjects.
Our soils are often neglected, but there are some soils, some microbes and some grazing systems that will help our soils by investing in some simple soil health practices. The workshop will provide participants the opportunity to learn simple steps to improve an operations' sustainability. "This workshop will provide a great opportunity for landowners to learn about different alternatives to consider in management of their grazinglands," stated Phillip Martin, NRCS Resource Conservationist.
NRCS partners for the workshop include, the Oklahoma Tribal Conservation Advisory Council (OTCAC), other USDA agencies and conservation groups. The Ottawa Conservation District is the district partner for the workshop.
Our conservation program discussions will be led by Farm Service Agency, National Agriculture Statistics Service, NRCS, and OCC and others.
The workshop will be held on May 13th and will start at 11 a.m. The workshop will be held at the Inter-Tribal Council Conference Room located at 21 N.S. "8" Tribe Trail, in Miami, Oklahoma. Pre-registration begins at 10:30 a.m.
Attendees are encouraged to pre-register by May 10th by calling Michael Ramming, NRCS, (918) 253-4513, ext. 108, or Michell Albright, Quapaw Nation, (918) 238-3099, ext. 4051, or Dr. Carol Crouch carol.crouch@usda.gov ph. 405-612-9331. The workshop is open to the public.
If reasonable accommodation is needed please notify when you RSVP to Dr. Carol Crouch at 405- 612-9331 or carol.couch@usda.gov.
Who: Open to the Public
When: Monday, May 13, 2019 at 11 a.m. - RSVP DUE May 10th
Where: Inter-Tribal Council Conference Room located at 21 N.S. "8" Tribe Trail, in Miami, Oklahoma
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