Agricultural News
Feeder Steers and Heifers Mostly Steady to $4.00 Higher at Oklahoma National on Monday
Tue, 23 Apr 2019 05:49:44 CDT
This Week 7,600
Last Reported 5,697
Last Year 4,952
*** Close***
Compared to last week: Feeder steers and heifers mostly steady to 4.00 higher. 500-600 lb. steer calves 1.00-2.00 lower, lightweights lightly tested with a much higher undertone noted. Heifer calves steady to 4.00 higher. Thin fleshed calves headed to grass sharply higher on limited sales. Demand good to very good especially for light weight grazing type cattle. Quality average to attractive. USDA's cattle on feed report Thursday displayed on-feed inventory two percent higher than last year and made it the highest April 1 inventory on record for the month of March since the report began. Many feedlots in the north starting to dry out and take in more inventory. May wheat run has begun as winter wheat pasture just beginning to play out. Several loads of wheat cattle included in today's receipts. Supply included: 100% Feeder Cattle (61% Steers, 38% Heifers, 1% Bulls). Feeder cattle supply over 600 lbs was 71%.
STEERS - Medium and Large 1 (Per Cwt / Actual Wt)
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
8 223 223 223.00 223.00
20 286 286 223.00 223.00
23 318-340 329 215.00-218.00 216.52
48 374-395 376 213.00-217.50 217.01
8 355-380 371 219.00-224.00 222.20 Thin Fleshed
60 405-433 418 196.00-213.00 204.70
18 411 411 218.00 218.00 Thin Fleshed
107 511-541 523 181.00-185.00 182.66
5 541 541 176.00 176.00 Unweaned
107 550-573 562 174.00-185.00 180.40
26 568-583 580 159.00-164.00 162.87 Unweaned
177 607-649 634 163.00-175.50 168.76
3 620 620 162.00 162.00 Fleshy
5 609 609 160.00 160.00 Unweaned
52 650-685 669 161.00-164.25 162.83
63 665-686 675 157.00-158.00 157.31 Fleshy
165 702-746 724 150.00-157.00 154.71
535 750-794 779 145.00-154.00 149.41
341 800-846 819 139.75-149.00 142.78
325 856-898 881 134.00-144.00 137.34
414 902-948 925 127.00-136.75 132.94
199 950-982 965 125.00-130.00 128.23
195 1015-1034 1025 122.00-124.75 123.60
For a complete market report from USDA Market News click on the PDF link below:
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