Agricultural News
OACD Awards Seth Stone, Hunter Jordan as the 2019 Mike Thralls Memorial Scholarship Winners
Wed, 24 Apr 2019 11:35:01 CDT
The Oklahoma Association of Conservation Districts announced Seth Stone, of Chandler, and Hunter Jordan, of Jet, as the 2019 Mike Thralls Memorial Scholarship award winners. Stone is 1st in his class at Chandler High School and will attend Oklahoma State University in the fall. Jordan is a junior at Oklahoma State University and is majoring in Animal Science.
The Mike Thralls Memorial Scholarship is awarded on an annual basis to students who are either current high school seniors that will be pursuing a degree in agriculture or natural resources at Oklahoma State University, or students currently enrolled at Oklahoma State University in the College of Agriculture or Natural Resources and are graduates of an Oklahoma high school. In the spirit of Mike Thralls, this award encourages applicants who are students involved in 4-H, FFA, farming and/or ranching and have expressed an interest in conservation. The students selected each year exhibit outstanding character, professionalism and a commitment to serve their community.
Congratulations Seth Stone and Hunter Jordan on being the fourth annual Mike Thralls Memorial Scholarship winners. The scholarships were awarded on April 23, 2019 at the Oklahoma State Capitol. The awards ceremony was part of the annual "Conservation Day at the Capitol" event where conservation district directors, cooperators, and employees are encouraged to share with legislators the important services that conservation districts provide to the community in the area of natural resources conservation.
For more information about the Mike Thralls Memorial Scholarship Award, visit okconservation.org.
Source - The Oklahoma Association of Conservation Districts
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