Agricultural News
Feeder Steers and Heifers 2.00-5:00 Lower at OKC West Livestock West Auction Wednesday
Thu, 25 Apr 2019 05:23:48 CDT
OKC West Livestock Auction - El Reno, OK
Livestock Weighted Average Report for 4/23/2019 - Final
Compared to last week: Steer and heifer calves not well tested due to limited comparable receipts from last week, but a much lower undertone was noted. Feeder steers and heifers 2.00-5.00 lower. Demand was moderate. Quality plain to attractive. CME cattle futures settled sharply lower across the board on feeder and live cattle. Thunderstorms and rain across the trading region have hindered cattle movement. More rain is expected throughout the week. Supply included: 100% Feeder Cattle (64% Steers, 0% Dairy Steers, 35% Heifers, 1% Bulls). Feeder cattle supply over 600 lbs was 82%.
STEERS - Medium and Large 1 (Per Cwt / Actual Wt)
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
3 320 320 209.00 209.00
22 344 344 225.00 225.00 Thin Fleshed
14 366-389 373 212.50-216.00 214.96
32 418-436 423 182.50-193.00 187.65
41 454-498 489 180.00-185.00 184.09
123 502-547 523 172.00-182.50 178.77
69 556-597 572 165.00-172.00 169.05
50 613-630 614 161.00-164.00 162.71
38 655-678 666 158.00 158.00
144 703-748 719 150.00-155.00 153.31
94 758-799 763 144.00-148.00 146.16
66 801-804 802 142.00-145.00 144.27
846 850-899 873 132.00-138.50 136.10
17 892 892 130.00 130.00 Full
621 903-930 916 129.50-137.50 132.00
587 950-990 964 123.00-128.00 125.65
11 992 992 121.00 121.00 Full
186 1000-1021 1018 119.00-124.00 123.08
40 1116 1116 117.50 117.50
3 1167 1167 116.00 116.00
For the complete market report from USDA Market News click on the PDF link below:
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