Agricultural News
Steer and Heifer Calves Unevenly Steady and Yearlings $4.00 to $7.00 Lower Monday at Joplin
Tue, 30 Apr 2019 05:41:08 CDT
Joplin Regional Stockyards - Close
This Week 5,042
Last Reported 5,243
Last Year 6,931
Compared to last week, steer and heifer calves unevenly steady, yearlings 4.00 to 7.00 lower. Demand and supply moderate. A high percentage of unweaned, new crop calves in the offering. Cattle futures continue to erode as Feeder Cattle and Live Cattle contracts closed on the negative side. Supply included: 100% Feeder Cattle (41% Steers, 50% Heifers, 10% Bulls). Feeder cattle supply over 600 lbs was 33%.
STEERS - Medium and Large 1 (Per Cwt / Actual Wt)
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
3 238 238 210.00 210.00
17 300-345 329 200.00-207.50 204.20
19 366-390 378 190.00-195.00 191.15
45 406-445 420 185.00-189.00 185.71
99 450-498 477 180.00-187.50 183.26
5 499 499 185.00 185.00 Thin Fleshed
82 458-486 471 173.00-180.00 177.59 Unweaned
219 500-542 521 172.00-187.00 179.55
57 502-549 539 160.00-175.00 165.50 Unweaned
71 554-599 585 161.00-178.00 170.42
29 562-594 575 152.00-167.00 159.20 Unweaned
65 605-648 623 160.00-182.00 170.65
55 600-636 622 150.00-156.00 153.91 Unweaned
13 670-677 675 162.00-165.00 164.31
3 663 663 142.00 142.00 Fleshy
18 666-670 667 141.00-148.00 145.66 Unweaned
25 706-716 711 150.00-155.00 152.17
18 716-731 724 137.00-145.00 141.04 Unweaned
51 763-787 768 144.00-150.60 149.27
6 770 770 138.00 138.00 Unweaned
61 809-816 811 138.00-141.50 139.04
5 886 886 130.00 130.00
For the complete market report from USDA Market News click on the PDF link below:
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