Agricultural News
Peterson: Agriculture and Food "Absolutely Critical" in Fighting Pandemic
Fri, 20 Mar 2020 14:52:43 CDT
House Agriculture Committee Chairman Collin Peterson welcomed the designation of agriculture, including food production, distribution, and retail, as critical infrastructure by the Department of Homeland Security in an announcement made by the DHS on Thursday.
The announcement allows those along the food and agriculture supply chain to continue operating to meet the national need. In a statement, Peterson noted the importance of farmers, food processors and producers, distributors and retailers as essential to the well-being of the country as it faces the growing coronavirus pandemic.
"Our food system is absolutely critical right now to keeping Americans fed, calm, and healthy," Peterson said. "As we have heard from farmers and from food companies, we have enough food. The important part now is protecting and supporting the people that grow, raise, distribute and sell that food so supply can continue.
The food processing industry is also being impacted by the same shortage of disinfecting products and protective equipment that has reached a crisis situation for our medical professionals."
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