Agricultural News
Congress Urged to Grant CCC Authority
Mon, 23 Mar 2020 15:37:44 CDT
Congress must act to ensure the Commodity Credit Corporation has the authority and funding to assist farmers and ranchers facing serious cash flow challenges.
The following statement may be attributed to American Farm Bureau Federation President Zippy Duvall:
"Farmers and ranchers will not let Americans down during this unprecedented crisis. We are asking Congress to do the same by us, because thousands of producers will need help with cash flow given the rapid and unanticipated decline in commodity prices, the likely closure of ethanol plants, and the decline in full-service restaurant and school meal demand, among other changes.
"Congress must have farmers' backs by expanding USDA's borrowing authority under the Commodity Credit Corporation. There is a long history of the CCC being tapped to responsibly support agriculture in times of crisis. This should be no different.
"Farmers and ranchers are proud to be trusted to feed nearly 330 million Americans and we'll continue working every day to do so, but our ability to continue producing food depends on our ability to keep our farms and ranches afloat. We urge Congress to pass coronavirus relief including full CCC funding and authority without delay."
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