Agricultural News
Latest Oklahoma Drought Monitor Shows Good Top-and Sub-soil Moisture Over the State
Thu, 05 Mar 2020 11:41:30 CST
Oklahoma's Drought conditions look pretty good as we head into Daylight Savings Time this weekend. The Mesonet's Plant Available Water maps show a good top- and sub-soil moisture
supply over much of the state.
The consecutive days without rainfall maps from the Mesonet show that much of southwest through central Oklahoma (and beyond) are missing out on significant rains on any
given day. And the Panhandle is really starting to lag.
There is a chance of rain, but not as great across western Oklahoma. Possibly up to a half-inch as we get later into the weekend.
Oklahoma Drought conditions remain in place in southwestern Oklahoma and the far western Oklahoma Panhandle. The latest Oklahoma Drought Monitor numbers show 14.37% across the state as abnormally dry, 4.66% in a moderate drought, 0.84% in Severe drought, 0% in Extreme droughts, and 0% in exeptional drought across the state.
Compared to a year ago Oklahoma showed 12.42% in abnormally dry conditions, 1.07% in moderate drought and 0% in severe, extreme or exceptional drought.
One of the factors that will add pressure, however, is we will stay above normal on the temperature scale for the next couple of weeks, and maybe after
that as well. Click or tap here to review what State Climatologist Gary McManus is reporting in the latest Mesonet ticker.
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