Agricultural News
Superior Livestock Monitoring COVID-19 Situation
Mon, 16 Mar 2020 19:03:52 CDT
Superior Livestock Auction is dedicated to remaining America's leader in livestock marketing and with that dedication comes a commitment to staying informed and proactive when faced with adversities. Superior Livestock and management are aware of the difficult situations facing not only our nation but also specifically our industry. We are monitoring the COVID-19 situation and taking precautionary measures to ensure that we are making the best decisions possible for our consignors, buyers, representatives and employees.
At this time, it is business as usual. Superior Livestock Auction The Superior Livestock Auction scheduled for March 19th will be held as scheduled with measures being taken to protect those involved. Superior Productions We will continue to offer our services to the seedstock stock industry and offer online bidding platforms so customers who can not attend a bull sale can still watch, bid and buy online.
Thanks to technology we can keep this vital market open and continue to sell large numbers of cattle ranch to ranch with minimal social interaction and abiding by current CDC guidelines. While we don't minimize the risks associated with COVID-19, we want you to know we are ready and willing to keep the cattle market open as long its feasible to do so. Please check the website for upcoming Superior Livestock Auctions and the Superior Productions schedule.
Superior is the largest livestock auction in the United States and markets well over one million head of cattle annually. With over 400 representatives located throughout the United States, Superior provides a complete national marketing network that serves both buyers and sellers.
Source- Superior Livestock
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