Agricultural News
Latest Superior Livestock Market Report Reflects Continued Premiums for Value Added Cattle
Mon, 09 Mar 2020 05:21:46 CDT
Superior Livestock Auction hosted their March 5th Video Auction live from the Superior Livestock Studio in Fort Worth, TX. Cattle producers offered 24,304 head of calves, yearlings and breeding stock from 24 states for this auction. Cattle were sold on contract to deliver immediately through the end of May 2020. Superior Livestock went live at 7:30am CT with Superior Sunrise and the auction followed at 8am CT. This March 5th Video Auction was broadcast on SLA-TV, Dish Network Ch. 997 and streamed on Superior Livestock Auction's Click To Bid website. A downwardly trending national market report has everyone paying attention and several outside influences continue to play a role; but one thing remained very evident yesterday, producers who invested in value-added programs continued to see premiums despite the market conditions.
Feeder steers and heifers from regions 3/4/5/6 experienced the uncertainty of the market and were met with lower prices than two weeks ago. The same can be said for feeder steers and heifers from regions 1/2 who were met with demand but also discounted prices. Thursday's market proved to be a testimony to Superior's value-added programs as feeder steers and heifers that were marketed on various programs saw premiums as much as $20 to $30 over their non-program contemporaries. All regions of weaned calves saw strong demand as moisture of much of the country gave a boost to grazing cattle who remained steady.
Superior Livestock's next offering is our Weekly Superior Livestock Video Auction on March 12th at 10:00 AM CT followed by our Monthly Holstein Steer & Dairy Auction @ 11 AM CT broadcast live from the Superior Livestock Auction Studio in Fort Worth. The consignment deadline for the Weekly Auction is Tuesday, March 10th and the Consignment Deadline for the Monthly Holstein Steer & Dairy Auction is Monday, March 9th. Join Superior Livestock Auction for our next Video Auction on Thursday, March 19th in the Superior Livestock Auction Studio in Fort Worth. Consignment deadline for the Video Auction will be this coming Monday, March 9th. Be sure and visit www.superiorlivestock.com to view our online auction catalog. For a buyers' number or more information on becoming a consigner please call our Fort Worth office at 800-422-2117.
Superior is the largest livestock auction in the United States and markets well over one million head of cattle annually. With over 400 representatives located throughout the United States, Superior provides a complete national marketing network that serves both buyers and sellers.
Jeremy Cox, Batesville, AR. 72 Fdr Strs @ 675#. English, English cross & English Exotic cross. Some show 1/4 or less ear. Approx. 70% Black or BWF. $137.00, March 9-13 Del.
Troy Alredge, Cameron, TX. 140 Fdr Strs @ 700#. Angus cross, Charolais cross, Hereford cross & English Exotic cross carrying approx. 1/4 or less Brahman influence. $139.00, March 15-30 Del.
Dale Garrison, Anderson, MO. 65 Fdr Strs @ 725#. VAC 45, Superior Progressive Genetics. Out of purebred Beefmaster (purchased from Flint Hill Beefmaster dispersal, Beaumont, KS) cows by Neosho Farms Red Angus bulls. 100% Red hided w/1 RWF. Carrying 1/8 to 1/4 ear. $134.50, March 9-13 Del.
Jim & Brady Zuck, Ladysmith, WI. 63 Fdr Strs @ 750#. VAC 60, Superior Progressive Genetics. SimAngus cross. Approx. 80% AI sired by Accelerated, Genex, Right Answer, 10 Gauge, TNT Topcut, Future Direction, War Party, Coleman, Charlo & Sitz Lightning. Black, BWF & 5 Red. $138.00, March 6-11 Del.
Clint DeArmond, Spearman, TX. 52 Fdr Strs @ 775#. VAC 60, Superior Verified, GAP 4, NHTC, Certified Natural Plus, Verified Natural Beef, Superior Progressive Genetics. Out of Angus & Angus cross, few Red & Charolais cross cows by reg. Gardiner & Express Ranches Black Angus bulls. Approx. 95% Black & BWF, bal. Red, RWF & Charolais cross. $156.00, April 27-May 9 Del.
Steve Sandquist, Osceola, IA. 45 Fdr Strs @ 785#. VAC 60. Out of pred. Angus & Angus cross cows by Oswald Ranch Balancer bulls. Approx. 95% Black hided, bal. Red. $139.00, March 13-19 Del.
Leonard Ranch, Clovis, NM. 120 Fdr Strs @ 800#. VAC 60, Source & Age Verified, NHTC, Certified Natural Plus, Verified Natural Beef. Out of Angus & Angus cross cows by 44 Farms & 4B Ranches Angus bulls. 100% Black & BWF. Could be a few Red, depending on sort @ buyers' option. $146.00, March 9-17 Del.
R Johnson Land & Cattle, Perryton, TX. 27 Fdr Strs @ 825# / 27 Fdr Hfrs 8/CWT Back @ 720#. VAC 60, Superior Verified, GAP 4, NHTC, Certified Natural Plus, Verified Natural Beef. Out of Angus & Angus cross cows by reg. Black & Red Angus bulls. Approx. 90% Black hided, balance Red. $152.00, April 20-30 Del.
E.G. Land & Livestock, Inc. 236 Fdr Strs @ 835#. VAC 45, Superior Verified, NHTC, Beef Quality Assurance, Superior Progressive Genetics. Angus cross. Out of Brangus & Braford cows by Gardiner, Express Ranch & 44 Farms Angus bulls. Approx. 95% Black & 5% off color. IMI Global/Black Angus Verified Beef. $133.00, March 9-13 Del. 128 Hfr Mates @ 775# brought $130.00, Same Del.
Ellison Ranching Co. Bruneau, ID. 418 Fdr Strs @ 850#, VAC 45, NHTC, Superior Progressive Genetics. Angus & Angus cross. Sired by KG Ranch & Sitz Angus (sons of Wisdom 481T, KG Solution & High Regard) bulls. Pred. Black & BWF, few Red. $144.50, March 9-14 Del.
Carlson Family Farms, Vega, TX. 190 Fdr Strs @ 875#. VAC 60, Superior Verified, GAP 4, NHTC, Certified Natural Plus, Verified Natural Beef, Superior Progressive Genetics. Out of Red Angus & Black Angus cows by Grau Charolais, Red Angus & 44 Farms Black Angus bulls. $150.00, March 23-31 Del. 205 Hfr Mates @ 825# brought $144.00, March 23-31 Del.
Dan Ralston, Spearman, TX. 131 Fdr Strs @ 900#. VAC 60, Superior Verified, GAP 4, NHTC, Certified Natural Plus, Verified Natural Beef, Superior Progressive Genetics. Out of reputation Angus & Angus cross cows by reg. Jorgensen & Jenkins Black Angus bulls. Approx. 95% Black & BWF, balance Red. Can make 100% Black hided @ buyers request. $148.50, May 5-31 Del.
Ag Partners, Gruver, TX. 138 Fdr Strs @ 925#. VAC 60, Superior Verified, GAP 4, NHTC, Certified Natural Plus, Verified Natural Beef, Superior Progressive Genetics. Out of Gardiner Angus cows by reg. Gardiner Black Angus bulls. Approx. 95% Black or BWF. Can be 100% Black @ buyers request. $149.00, April 3-17 Del. 90 Hfr Mates @ 875# brought $146.00, April 3-17 Del.
Ten Mile Ranch Inc. Vale, OR. 82 Fdr Hfrs @ 650#. VAC 60, Superior Verified, GAP 1, NHTC, Certified Natural Plus, Verified Natural Beef. Out of Angus, Angus cross (BWF), Red & RWF cows by 23 Mike & Julie Livingston (Kirk, CO) Angus, reg. Angus (sons of 1407, 6595, Future Direction & Sitz Alliance) & reg. Red Angus (Pieper, Beckton & Axtell genetics) bulls. Pred. Black hided. $151.00, March 9-19 Del.
Matt Steinbrech, Solon, IA. 65 Fdr Hfrs @ 710#. Out of Angus & Angus cross cows by Netolicky SimAngus Composite bulls. Some Summitcrest & Kovar bloodlines. 100% Black & BWF. $131.50, March 13-18 Del.
Jamie Snider, Lipan, TX. 69 Fdr Hfrs @ 725#. Angus cross, Charolais cross & a few Hereford cross carrying 1/4 or less Brahman influence. $124.50, March 9-16 Del.
Seven Bar Ranch, Malakoff, TX. 66 Fdr Hfrs @ 750#. VAC 45+. English, Exotic & Brahman cross with 1/4 or less Brahman influence. 100% Charolais cross. $122.00, March 10-April 1 Del.
M.T. Swanson, Springfield, CO. 68 Fdr Hfrs @ 775#. VAC PRECON, Superior Verified, NHTC, Certified Natural Plus, Verified Natural Beef, Beef Quality Assurance, Superior Progressive Genetics. Out of Angus & Red Angus cows by Turner Hereford & Kravig Red Angus bulls. $147.00, March 25April 1 Del.
9 Mile Ranch, Ponca City, OK. 63 Fdr Hfrs @ 775#. VAC 60, Superior Progressive Genetics, VitaFerm Raised. Out of Black Angus (some Express Ranches & Stevenson bloodlines) cows by reg. Ledbetter & Langford Horned Hereford bulls. $125.50, March 6-14 Del.
Durrett Cattle, Amarillo, TX. 60 Fdr Hfrs @ 800#. VAC 60, Superior Verified, GAP 4, NHTC, Certified Natural Plus, Verified Natural Beef. Out of home raised reputation Black Angus cows by reg. West Star Hereford bulls. True F1 Black Baldies. CARE Certified. $151.00, March 16-31 Del.
Bagwell Land & Cattle LLC, Claude, TX. 38 Fdr Strs @ 850#. / 24 Fdr Hfrs 8/CWT Back @ 775#. VAC 60. Out of Angus cows by reg. Black Angus bulls. $127.00, March 9 Del. Weather Permitting.
Neal Eicher, Woodburn, IN. 150 Wnd Str Clvs @ 325#. VAC PRECON, Beef Quality Assurance. Angus Holstein cross. 100% Black hided. $188.50, April 1-May 1 Del.
Priest Cattle Co. Ltd. Waco, TX. 440 Wnd Str Clvs @ 450#. Angus cross, Charolais cross & very few Exotic cross with approx. 1/4 or less Brahman influence. Approx. 65% Black hided. $192.00, April 24May 5 Del. 120 Hfr Mates @ 400# brought $167.00, Same Del.
Arch Diamond LLC, Portales, NM. 208 Wnd Hfr Clvs @ 460#. VAC 45+, Source & Age Verified, NHTC, Superior Progressive Genetics. Out of Holstein cows (closed herd) by ABS In Focus bulls. Bulls selected for growth performance, feed efficiency, carcass yield & quality. 100% Black w/a few White socks, White belly or star. Will have IMI & ABS visual tags. $154.00, March 17 Del, Weather Permitting.
Lone Star Calf Ranch, Hereford, TX. 100 Wnd Str Clvs @ 500#. Angus Holstein cross & Holstein LimFlex cross. $151.50, March 9-20 Del.
Ryan Blackwood, Clay Center, KS. 96 Wnd Str Clvs @ 525#. VAC PRECON. English, English cross & Exotic cross. 100% Black. Buyers option on 1 Red str. $180.00, March 30-April 15 Del. Albert & Leo Hogan, Boulder, CO. 190 Wnd Str Clvs @ 550#, VAC 60, Certified Natural Plus, Superior Progressive Genetics. Out of English, English cross, Angus & Angus Limousin cross cows by reg. Aristocrat Black Angus (Bon View New Design, AAR Neutron & Precision bloodlines) bulls. 100% Black hided. Will be approx. 30-40 hd of approx. 375-425# strs. $183.00, March 9-23 Del. 96 Hfr Mates @ 475# brought $173.50, Same Del.
Cory & Rachel Jones, Gage, OK. 55 Wnd Str Clvs @ 550# / 40 Wnd Hfr Clvs 18/CWT Back @ 510#. VAC 60. Out of Angus base cows by SimAngus bulls. 100% Black hided. $178.00, March 9-20 Del.
Keith Tuch, Gonzales, TX. 261 Wnd Str Clvs @ 575#. Angus cross & Charolais cross carrying approx. 1/4 or less Brahman influence. Approx. 65-70% Black hided. $171.00, April 25-May 5 Del.
TCB Cattle Co. Olton, TX. 160 Wnd Str Clvs @ 600#. VAC PRECON. Angus & Angus cross. Handful could show up to 1/8 ear. Pred. Black hided. $165.50, March 21-31 Del.
McFerrin Angus Farm, Collierville, TN. 21 Wnd Str Clvs @ 625# / 35 Wnd Hfr Clvs @ 625#. Certified Natural Plus. Out of reg. Angus cows & reg. Angus bulls. Purebred Angus herd. Strs & hfrs sell at same price & weight. $145.00, March 9-20 Del.
Syracuse Dairy, Johnson City, KS. 154 Wnd Str Clvs @ 650#. VAC 60, Superior & Age Verified, NHTC, Beef Quality Assurance, Superior Progressive Genetics. Out of Holstein cows AI'd to reg. Angus (44 Second Act X811, Quaker Hill Royal Flush, Quaker Hill Disciple, Quaker Hill Big Stuff, 2 Bar Mile High & Quaker Hill Chieftain) bulls. Bred for muscling. CARE Certified. $157.00, June 1-July 1 Del. 154 Hfr Mates @ 650# brought $146.00, Same Del.
Volentine Farm Partnership, Shreveport, LA. 75 Wnd Str Clvs @ 675# / Wnd Hfr Clvs 10/CWT Back @ 650#. VAC 45. Out of Angus, F1 Brangus & Braford cows by Angus bulls. $136.00, March 10-30 Del.
T4 Cattle Co. Tucumcari, NM. 244 Str Clvs @ 410#. VAC 24, Superior Progressive Genetics. Out of reputation home raised Hereford & Hereford Angus cross 1st calf hfrs by reg. Black Angus bulls. 100% Black hided calves. $201.00, March 26-31 Del.
V.C. H. Ranch, Arcadia, FL. 100 Str Clvs @ 490#. VAC 34+. Out of English cross & English Brahman cross cows by pred. Charolais & few Jorgensen Angus bulls, if needed. $163.00, March 10-31 Del. 105 Hfr Mates @ 470# brought $145.50, Same Del.
Raymond E Adams IV, Maple Hill, KS. 150 Str Clvs @ 550#. VAC 34. Black Angus. 100% Black hided. $170.00, April 20-27 Del. 100 Hfr Mates @ 500# brought $155.00, Same Del.
Estate of Franklin O Stetson, Oak Creek, CO. 138 Bred Cows @ 1100#. Black Angus & Angus cross cows bred to Diamond Peak SimAngus & 3 Polled Hereford bulls turned in 7/6/19 to 9/15/19. Preg checked 10/19 by Dr. Meyring DVM. 6-10 yr olds. Short solid to broken mouth. $1,150.00, March 6-10 Del.
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