Agricultural News
Ag in the Classroom Provides Daily Activities for Families Staying at Home
Thu, 26 Mar 2020 08:30:42 CDT
Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, many businesses and schools have closed down to practice social distancing. Many parents are at home with their kiddos wondering "What do we do now?" Oklahoma Ag in the Classroom has come up with some excellent daily activities you can do with your kids and family. The following is an example of some activities that Ag in the Classroom provides daily on their facebook page.
Join us on Facebook each day and share activities with your students. We would like to provide fun, educational activities for families and we need you to help spread the word! Each weekday on Facebook we will share a fun agriculture AGtivity. Here is our plan:
mAGnificent Mondays: We will highlight one of our student agriculture magazines each week.
Ag Technology Tuesdays We will share agriculture games from either our website, My American Farm, Minnesota's online ag games, or Kahoot.
Ag around the World Wednesday We will share videos of agriculture from across the nation and around the world and compare them to Oklahoma agriculture.
Thinking About Ag Thursday Every week we will do share some kind of STEM activity.
Farm Fun Friday Cooking, Germination, etc.
The website also provides Kahoot Ag challenges for families to play and work together.
What is Kahoot?
It is a learning game created on the Kahoot! platform, which consists of multiple choice questions. The questions are projected at the front of the classroom and played by the whole class together in real-time (answering on their own personal device).
How to play a Kahoot Challenge?
At this point, you will need to have the Kahoot app downloaded on your device (whether it is a phone or tablet)
Open the Kahoot! app and click "Enter PIN" on your screen. The Game PINS for our Kahoots are listed below
If you are using a computer or laptop go to: https://kahoot.it/ and enter the Game PIN
Click either "Start Playing" or "Enter"
Enter your name or nickname
Start the game and enjoy learning about agriculture!
Other Activities include Ag Bingo, Building your own Cotton Board, Ag Challenges, and more! You can check on their facebook page HERE: and their classroom site, HERE.
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