Agricultural News
CLA, ARA and TFI Announce Office Co-Location to Begin in 2021
Wed, 15 Apr 2020 08:13:43 CDT
CropLife America (CLA), The Fertilizer Institute (TFI) and the Agricultural Retailers Association (ARA) announced today that the three organizations will co-locate to Arlington, Va., beginning in January 2021. Each organization will retain its focus on the needs of its respective members, but the move is expected to create greater opportunities for collaboration that can enhance each organization's efficiency and effectiveness. The organizations' respective Boards of Directors approved this concept in separate votes last fall.
"CLA is excited to join two of our agriculture allies to better serve our respective members and the agricultural industry through closer collaboration. Although we will maintain distinctly separate organizations, we look forward to sharing common services, which will result in measurable savings that can be used to bolster our programs that benefit our members. We look forward to working even more closely together with ARA & TFI," said Chris Novak, CLA president and CEO.
"Just as our respective industries continue to integrate and consolidate, so too are we pursuing innovative and efficient ways to operate," said TFI President and CEO Corey Rosenbusch. "This new arrangement will facilitate enhanced communication and collaboration on common issues."
"ARA's members have identified the need to continually be more efficient with organizational resources," said ARA President and CEO Daren Coppock. "By sharing an office space with CLA and TFI, we are able to be good stewards of our assets while applying cost savings to better serve our members through the work we do on their behalf."
All three organizations will remain independent with no changes to their individual governance models. TFI and CLA intend to relocate by January 2021, ARA intends to move March 2021.
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