Agricultural News
Sayre Farmers Cooperative Gin Association Earns BioZyme® Master Dealer Status
Wed, 15 Apr 2020 10:03:43 CDT
Sayre Farmers Cooperative Gin Association, Sayre, Oklahoma, has recently completed the necessary training to be named a BioZyme® Master Dealer.
As a Master Dealer, Sayre Farmers Cooperative had at least one of its employees complete multiple online training modules to further his or her education about the brands and product lines BioZyme offers. The Master Dealers will be able to share expanded knowledge of the BioZyme products with potential customers.
"We are excited to certify this dealership knowing it excels in knowledge about our product lines, and it will be an excellent resource for all product needs and questions," said Kristi Stevens, BioZyme Marketing Operations Manager. "Sayre Farmers Cooperative has taken the time to complete our strenuous training program, and has committed to stocking or is willing to order our full product line. Feel confident that they are one of the most informed dealers that our company works with."
Master Dealers will receive special designation on the online dealer locator, signage for their store and apparel that indicates their Master Dealer certification so customers can easily identify those who have gone the extra mile to provide excellent knowledge and service.
To learn more about BioZyme and its product lines or to locate a dealer in your area, go to www.biozymeinc.com.
About BioZyme® Inc.
BioZyme Inc., founded in 1951, develops and manufactures natural, proprietary products focused on animal nutrition, health and microbiology. With a continued commitment to research, BioZyme offers a complete line of feed additives and high density, highly available vitamin, mineral, trace mineral and protein supplements for a variety of animals including cattle, pigs, poultry, sheep, goats, horses and dogs. BioZyme brands include Amaferm®, AO-Biotics®, VitaFerm®, Gain Smart®, Vita Charge®, Sure Champ®, Vitalize® and DuraFerm®. Headquartered in St. Joseph, Missouri, BioZyme reaches a global market of customers throughout the U.S., Canada, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa and the Middle East. For more information about BioZyme, visit www.biozymeinc.com.
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