Agricultural News
Oklahoma Cattlemen's Association Focuses on Educating and Empowering Beef Producers
Fri, 17 Apr 2020 15:32:43 CDT
The COVID-19 pandemic has touched almost every part of our lives. Entire industries are shut down, jobs have been lost, markets are a mess, all the while production costs, and ranch work demands continue. Amid this crisis, the Oklahoma Cattlemen's Association is seeking to educate and empower Oklahoma beef producers.
The OCA is composing webinars offering timely information for producers each Wednesday.
"We hope these webinars help educate and empower producers to take control of improving and innovating their own operations," said Mike Weeks, OCA President. "As a beef producer, there's a whole host of things that feel like need fixing. This series of webinars focuses on what cattlemen and women can do today to take your operation up a notch and help you stay in the beef business."
The topic for this Wednesday's webinar is: Selling your beef direct to the consumer, part 2. Join us at noon on Wednesday, April 22. For registration information and a listing of future and past webinars, visit okcattlemen.org/webinars.
"Cattlemen are, by far, the most resilient and resourceful individuals that I know," said Weeks. "Let's focus on the things that can make us better producers while we weather this storm. As for those things that you may think need fixing, please plan to join us in July for our Annual Convention to discuss and form policy."
OCA policy is formed in January at the Winter Policy Meeting and in July during the annual convention. The OCA is a member-driven, member-led organization. OCA members that have policy ideas to propose or discuss are encouraged to attend and exercise their voting power.
The OCA is the trusted voice of the Oklahoma Cattle Industry. OCA is the only voice that speaks solely for the cattlemen of Oklahoma and represents beef producers in all 77 counties across the state.
The OCA officers, board of directors and membership encourages you to join us in our advocacy efforts to ensure less government intervention, lower taxes and a better bottom line.
For more information about OCA membership, the theft reward program or activities call 405-235-4391 or visit www.okcattlemen.org.
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