Agricultural News
U.S. Custom Harvesters Will be Here when Producers Need Them
Fri, 03 Apr 2020 09:45:50 CDT
As the Coronavirus Pandemic rages- there has been discussion about the ability of custom harvest crews to travel as they normally do- starting in Texas harvesting hard red winter wheat in a matter of weeks. OSU Extension Grain Market Economist Dr. Kim Anderson called it a possible "concern" for Oklahoma wheat producers, who will see their wheat ready for the combines to pull into their fields by the end of May or the first of June.
Well- the US Custom Harvesters are taking exception to that worry- saying that concern is NOT going to happen, because U.S. custom harvesters WILL BE right there when you need them.
Mandi Sieren, Operations Manager for US Custom Harvesters traded emails with me over the last day or so and offered this response to Dr. Anderson's commentary- "So our point I guess is that putting that concern out there is simply unfounded. We have plenty of crews that will make this happen. And if one won't, that's what our organization is here for. We have many farmers call us looking for a harvester and they find one. "So just because of COVID, there's no reason to put a fear out there that custom harvesters won't come south. That's just not true and could have just lost work for them."
U.S. Custom Harvesters is a company based our of Turon, Kansas. They are a member's based organization that has around 400 harvester members and a little over 200 associate members. U.S. Custom Harvesters, Inc. is a non-profit association of professional harvesters (combine, forage, hay, and cotton), all serving the needs of the American farmer.
Director, Raph Jolliffe says the goal is to make harvesting easier for farmers by freeing up their time and resources, "Harvesting is a very labor-intensive time of the year, very equipment intensive-capital intensive time of the year. So if you are in the market, you can hire a harvester. Now you've taken all the extra equipment out of the shed, all the money off the banknote, and you don't have all the headache of harvest time. You've got somebody else that comes in, gets the job accomplished for you. Meanwhile, you are busy doing other chores that need to be accomplished while harvesting is happening and you don't lack on family time, and the rest of the operations around the farm that need to take place at the same time."
If a farmer needs the help of U.S. Custom Harvesters, Jolliffe says the most significant benefit is that they are centrally located. Only a phone call away, "A farmer can call into the office, and they will shoot out an email that goes to all of our members and anybody that is in the area; it doesn't usually take very long. If you've got acres to cover, somebody will be there with equipment. We've got a pretty diverse group of people, and somebody is always eager to pick up a few acres. This year has been one of those years were probably more acres than most people could get covered just because of the weather and timeliness."
If you have questions about U.S. Custom harvesters, you can get more information on their website,
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