Agricultural News
Cattle Steady to Higher at Joplin Regional Stockyards on Monday
Tue, 21 Apr 2020 05:42:46 CDT
This Week 5,097
Last Reported 3,084
Last Year 5,243
Compared to last week, steers under 550 lbs and over 700 lbs steady to 3.00 higher, 550 to 700 lbs steers steady, heifer calves and yearling heifers steady, except a two load lot of replacement quality 800 lb heifers sharply higher . Demand moderate to good, supply moderate. Live Cattle Feeder Cattle futures closed lower. Supply included: 100% Feeder Cattle (57% Steers, 38% Heifers, 6% Bulls). Feeder cattle supply over 600 lbs was 44%.
STEERS - Medium and Large 1 (Per Cwt / Actual Wt)
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
6 290 290 195.00 195.00
18 305-348 329 170.00-199.00 183.87
30 371-395 386 170.00-176.00 173.16
140 401-448 427 159.00-176.00 167.15
6 423 423 155.00 155.00 Unweaned
146 453-497 483 157.50-170.00 163.82
92 455-496 477 151.00-162.00 156.55 Unweaned
104 502-549 518 150.00-170.00 160.61
42 507-536 519 140.00-156.00 149.98 Unweaned
145 565-598 581 140.00-154.00 144.02
49 561-599 578 133.00-142.00 136.19 Unweaned
106 602-646 630 134.00-142.00 139.59
18 603-630 615 130.00-137.00 133.39 Unweaned
139 650-697 675 130.00-140.00 136.71
14 650-659 653 133.00-134.00 133.64 Fleshy
126 707-747 725 122.50-133.75 126.92
7 727 727 121.50 121.50 Fleshy
342 750-796 770 117.00-128.50 124.69
33 827-839 829 111.00-115.00 113.18
31 864-867 865 110.50-114.00 112.08
18 947 947 101.50 101.50
For the complete market report from USDA Market News click on the PDF link below:
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