Agricultural News
Oklahoma Cattlemen Tell Attorney General Barr to be Quick and Thorough in Investigating the Beef and Cattle Markets
Tue, 21 Apr 2020 21:51:56 CDT
The Oklahoma Cattlemen's Association penned a letter addressed to both, Attorney General William Barr and U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, Sonny Perdue to urge the completion of the investigation into the price disparity in the beef supply chain, urging the Trump Administration officials to "quickly and thoroughly invetigate the beef and cattle markets."
The letter was sent on Tuesday, signed by President Mike Weeks and Executive Vice President Michael Kelsey and reads as follows:
"On behalf of the membership of the Oklahoma Cattlemen's Association (OCA), we write to you with great concern for our country and beef cattle industry. OCA is the largest membership organization in Oklahoma solely devoted to the beef cattle industry with members in all 77 Oklahoma counties. OCA members are families with cow/calf, stocker and feedlot operations with an absolute dedication to raising the highest quality and safest beef in the world.
"First, we want to thank you for stepping up the investigation into the recent price disparity within the beef supply chain. It is very important that beef and cattle prices be closely related moving together. OCA members recognize there are many factors that influence prices and many times some influences can cause delays in price response. Further, it is important that all sectors within the beef supply chain have opportunity to profit and respond to sound and just market influences. Any illegal activity such a price fixing, collusion or other types of manipulation should be discovered, exposed and justly prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
"Second, we urge you to complete this investigation as quickly as possible. OCA members recognize that thoroughness is key, so we certainly advocate for a complete investigation. Nonetheless, it is difficult to instill and promote confidence in the outcomes of investigations that linger for too long with no progress reports or conclusions. Indeed, one cause of market volatility can be open-ended investigations that allow accusations and doubt to run rampant fueling uncertainty. We urge you to work quickly while completing a thorough investigation.
"Again, on behalf of the membership of OCA, we thank you for your cooperative work to quickly and thoroughly investigate the beef and cattle markets. We anxiously await your conclusions."
The complete letter can also be seen by clicking on the PDF link below.
The OCA is the trusted voice of the Oklahoma Cattle Industry.
OCA is the only voice that speaks solely for the cattlemen of Oklahoma and represents beef producers in all 77 counties across the state.
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