Agricultural News
Purdue's Jayson Lusk Believes Pandemic Will Accelerate Trend to Grocery Home Delivery
Wed, 22 Apr 2020 07:20:25 CDT
Dr. Jayson Lusk has been talking a lot to the general media as well as to consumer groups through podcasts and webinars- he was on a FarmDoc webinar yesterday talking about how consumers have been dealing with buying food since mid March. The former Oklahoma State University Ag Economics Professor writes in his ongoing blog that "The declaration of a national emergency on March 13, 2020 by President Donald Trump, and the corresponding state stay-at-home measures, caused significant disruptions in retail food markets.
"Aside from take-out, many consumers were suddenly unable to dine at restaurants and food service establishments away from home, which according to U.S. Department of Agriculture data, represents about 54% of all food expenditures. As a result, consumers turned to grocery stores and supermarkets, where the increase in demand, coupled with concerns about future reduced mobility and scarcity, led to a surge in foot traffic and sales."
On the FarmDoc Webinar, Dr. Lusk talked about two frequent questions that he has heard from consumers a lot- Do we have enough food and why were the store shelves empty? We have captured his answers to those questions and some of future forecasting of groceries being delivered to the home in a special audio report- you can listen to his comments on this by clicking on the LISTEN BAR below.
You can review the slides from Dr. Lusk's presentation (as well as from the opening comments from Dr. Scott Irwin of the University of Illinois) by clicking here.
You can watch the webinar by clicking on the PLAY button in the video box below:
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