Agricultural News
Kim Anderson Talks Wheat Crop Potential Just Weeks Away from the Combines Pulling Into Southern Oklahoma Fields
Thu, 30 Apr 2020 17:35:35 CDT
Oklahoma State University Extension Grains Market Analyst Dr. Kim Anderson talks about what is going on in the Wheat Markets weekly on SUNUP.
This week, Dr. Anderson tells SUNUP that Oklahoma producers planted more winter wheat for the 2020 crop last fall compared to a year earlier- and are expected to plant more cottton and corn acres in the state this spring. He anticpates a wheat harvest of about the same number of bushels that we harvested a year ago- he calls the current expectations that he has in the 100 to 110 million bushel range- the crop being hurt in many locations by the mid April freeze as well as localized hail.
As far as prices for the 2020 wheat that will be produced- he expects best prices for wheat farmers to sell into may come in the June, July and August time period. You can hear all of Dr. Anderson's comments by clicking on the LISTEN BAR below- an advance audio peek at what his segment will be this weekend on the SUNUP.
Besides the comments from Dr. Anderson- here's a rundown on the SUNUP show for this Saturday and Sunday:
--A look at the recent freeze and how it injured the wheat crop across the state from Amanda Silva.
- Then, Alex Rocateli tells us why crabgrass is a good option for livestock forage has advice for planting it.
- In the Mesonet weather report, Wes Lee . Gary McManus shows us where drought is starting to expand across the state.
- Justin Talley talks about external and internal paracites in livestock and how to know if your cattle are impacted.
- Derrell Peel says meat supplies will be tight over the next few weeks, and livestock producers will feel part of the pain.
- In Cow-Calf Corner, Glenn Selk explains the importance of time of day when artificially inseminating cattle.
- Courtney Bir tells us about loan programs for ag producers.
Saturday at 7:30 a.m.
Sunday at 6 a.m. on OETA-TV
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