Agricultural News
This Weeks Ag in the Classroom, Adopt a Cow!
Tue, 04 Aug 2020 10:34:55 CDT
Summertime is here and the kiddos are out of school with many parents are at home with their kiddos, wondering, "What do we do now?" Oklahoma Ag in the Classroom has come up with some excellent daily activities you can do with your kids and family.
Today we are talking to all those incredible teachers out there! This website/program featured in today's post is one we recently learned about from one of our awesome AITC teachers. Do any of you teach about Dairy Cattle and milk in your classrooms? If you do, you don't want to miss this one! Discover Dairy has the 'Adopt a Cow' program...don't worry - they are not sending a cow to live in your classroom!!
Throughout the 'Adopt a Cow' program, you'll find out what her name is, when her birthday is, where she lives and how the farmer takes care of her. We'll also send photos of the cow, activity sheets for the students, a PowerPoint full of information, photos and a suggested lesson. They encourage classes to fully engage in this program and even write letters to their calf and host farm family, not only to practice their writing skills but also to show their love for their calf. They keep you posted on her progress while you and your students enjoy the cuteness of your adorable calf.
In order to participate, you must REGISTER and it opens AUGUST 1st and will stay open through OCTOBER. Here is the link to check it out:
And don't forget, Ag in the Classroom offers daily activities to do with your kiddos on their website, and their facebook page.
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