Agricultural News
Latest U.S. Crop Progress Report Shows A Deterioration In Most Crops, Pasture And Range Conditions
Mon, 24 Aug 2020 16:24:33 CDT
The devastating storms from several weeks ago, coupled with dry conditions have dealt the Iowa corn crop a serious blow as it continues to show degradation on this week's USDA Crop Progress Report.
Two weeks ago, the Iowa corn crop was rated 69 percent good to excellent, last week it was rated at 59 percent and today it has dropped to 50 percent with a whopping 21 percent in the poor to very poor category.
The overall corn crop in the 18 major corn producing states has dropped to 64 percent good to excellent (69 percent last week), 24 percent is fair and 12 poor to very poor.
Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota and South Dakota are among the states all indicating most of the corn crop in the good to excellent category.
The crop continues to be ahead of maturity schedule.
The U.S. soybean crop has taken a slight hit as 69 percent is rated good to excellent, a 2-point drop from last week. The remainder of the crop is rated 23 percent fair and 8 percent poor to very poor.
Louisiana, Minnesota and Wisconsin are among the states with the best soybean crop this week.
The soybean crop appears to be on or slightly ahead off maturity schedule.
The nation's cotton crop in the 15 major producing states remains virtually unchanged with 46 percent in the good to excellent category, 29 percent fair and 25 percent in the poor to very poor category.
There has been a small drop in the nation's grain sorghum crop as this week 54 percent is in the good to excellent category compared to 57 percent last week. The remainder of the crop is rated 30 percent fair and 16 percent poor to very poor.
Pasture and range conditions have continued to deteriorate as only 24 percent is rated good to excellent (32 percent last week), 34 percent is fair and a whopping 42 percent is rated poor to very poor.
Colorado, Texas, California and Oregon are among the states showing the poorest pasture and range conditions this week.
To view the national crop progress report, click here.
In Oklahoma, the corn crop is rapidly maturing as 78 percent has reached the dough stage, up 5 points from the previous year but down 4 points from normal.
Corn dented reached 44 percent, up 5 points from the previous year but down 7 points from normal.
Corn mature reached 4 percent, up 4 points from the previous year and 4 points from normal.
The Oklahoma grain sorghum headed reached 82 percent, up 3 points from the previous year but down 2 points from normal.
Grain sorghum coloring reached 39 percent, up 15 points from the previous year but down 2 points from normal.
Grain sorghum mature reached 5 percent, down 2 points from the previous year and down 6 points from normal.
The grain sorghum crop is rated 26 percent good to excellent, 28 percent fair and 46 percent is poor to very poor.
Soybeans blooming reached 80 percent, up 7 points from the previous year and up 3 points from normal.
Soybeans setting pods reached 50 percent, up 22 points from the previous year but unchanged from normal.
The Oklahoma soybean crop is rated 50 percent good to excellent, 40 percent fair and 10 percent poor.
Oklahoma cotton setting bolls reached 80 percent, down 12 points from the previous year but unchanged from normal.
Cotton bolls opening reached 15 percent, up 7 points from the previous year and up 10 points from normal.
The Oklahoma cotton crop is rated 48 percent good to excellent, 34 percent is fair and 18 percent poor to very poor.
The third cutting of alfalfa hay reached 90 percent, down 2 points from the previous year but up 2 points from normal. The fourth cutting of alfalfa hay reached 39 percent, down 3 points from the previous year but up 13 points from normal.
The second cutting of other hay reached 65 percent, up 4 points from the previous year but down 2 points from normal. The third cutting of other hay reached 4 percent, up 1 point from the previous year but down 2 points from normal.
Oklahoma pasture and range conditions are rated 32 percent good to excellent, 32 percent is fair and 36 percent is poor to very poor.
To view the Oklahoma crop progress report, click here.
In the Sunflower State, corn condition is rated 61 percent good to excellent, 26 percent is fair and 13 percent is poor to very poor.
Corn dough was 90 percent, ahead of 81 percent last year, and near the 86 percent mark for the five-year average.
Dented was 57 percent, ahead of 47 percent last year, and near the 54 percent average.
Mature corn was 8 percent, near 6 percent last year and the 10 percent average.
Kansas soybean condition is rated 67 percent good to excellent, 26 percent fair and 7 percent poor to very poor.
Soybeans blooming was 94 percent, ahead of 88 percent last year, and near the 93 percent average.
Setting pods was 80 percent, ahead of 69 percent last year, and near the 77 percent average.
The Kansas grain sorghum condition is rated 65 percent good to excellent,27 percent fair and 8 percent poor to very poor.
Grain sorghum headed was 90 percent, ahead of 77 percent last year, and near the 86 percent average.
Coloring was 33 percent, ahead of 20 percent last year and the 27 percent average.
The Kansas cotton crop is rated 52 percent good to excellent, 40 percent fair and 8 percent poor to very poor.
Cotton setting bolls was 78 percent, ahead of 65 percent last year and 62 percent average.
Bolls opening was 9 percent, ahead of 2 percent last year, and near 5 percent average.
Kansas pasture and range conditions are rated 47 percent good to excellent, 37 percent fair and 16 percent poor to very poor.
To view the Kansas crop progress report, click here.
In Texas, corn harvest was completed in most of the state while harvest continued to progress in areas of the Northern High Plains and South-Central regions.
Corn producers in the Blacklands had begun to plow fields for next year.
The remaining Texas corn crop is rated 42 percent good to excellent, 39 percent fair and 19 percent poor to very poor.
Cotton harvest continued in the Coastal Bend and the Upper Coast and was underway in areas of South Central and South Texas.
Dryland cotton showed signs of drought stress in areas of the Blacklands, South East Texas, and the Southern High Plains. In some areas of the Low Plains, drought conditions led to some cotton crop failures. Farmers in the Lower Valley continued to evaluate the damage from Hurricane Hanna last month, and some producers are reporting total crop losses.
The Texas cotton crop is rated 29 percent good to excellent, 34 percent fair and 37 percent poor to very poor.
Grain sorghum harvest was underway in areas of the Blacklands and the Edwards Plateau, meanwhile other areas of the state will begin soon.
The Texas grain sorghum crop is rated 45 percent good to excellent, 33 percent fair and 22 percent poor to very poor.
Supplemental feeding continued in the Northern High Plains, South Central Texas and South Texas due to dry conditions. Stock ponds levels in the Blacklands have dropped markedly. Feral hogs continued to be a problem for areas of East Texas.
Texas pasture and range conditions are rated 14 percent good to excellent, 33 percent fair and 53 percent poor to very poor.
To view the Texas crop progress report, click here.
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