Agricultural News
Feeder Steers, Steer Calves, Feeder Heifers and Heifers Calves Mostly Steady at Oklahoma National on Monday
Tue, 11 Aug 2020 05:11:59 CDT
This Week 8,500
Last Reported 7,229
Last Year 5,252
*** Close ***
Compared to last week: Feeder steers steady to 3.00 lower. Steer calves steady to 3.00 higher. Feeder heifers mostly steady to 2.00 lower. Heifer calves unevenly steady. Demand moderate to good. Today's sale included just over 1,200 head of cattle from the Oklahoma Angus Association. These cattle, besides being a member of the Association were also at least 60 days weaned and had 2 rounds of shots. Some were also Age and Source Verified. These cattle are identified as Value Added. The next Special Angus sale will be on December 7, 2020. Quality showed the complete range of plain thru attractive.. Slaughter cattle prices finally made it to the century mark last week but still lag behind the current futures contract. Beef prices moved over 2.00 higher than the previous week. Supply included: 100% Feeder Cattle (54% Steers, 45% Heifers, 2% Bulls). Feeder cattle supply over 600 lbs was 71%.
STEERS - Medium and Large 1 (Per Cwt / Actual Wt)
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
10 395-398 397 188.00-191.00 189.51 Value Added
29 416 416 182.00 182.00
35 451-474 466 160.50-167.00 164.74
6 472 472 154.00 154.00 Unweaned
8 488-495 492 167.00-168.00 167.50 Value Added
140 501-547 512 154.00-164.50 159.52
18 537-538 538 146.00-149.00 146.83 Unweaned
34 510-544 535 159.00-168.00 163.18 Value Added
111 552-599 578 147.00-157.00 155.14
94 561-589 570 163.50-164.50 163.79 Thin Fleshed
101 583-595 591 137.00-145.00 143.86 Unweaned
70 563-589 580 156.50-167.50 165.47 Value Added
396 600-646 630 147.50-159.50 151.54
154 603-640 624 141.00-150.00 142.44 Unweaned
80 607-649 629 154.00-164.00 158.67 Value Added
201 656-698 686 142.00-154.00 145.17
77 650-689 653 141.00-142.00 141.93 Unweaned
101 661-699 670 144.00-157.00 153.21 Value Added
281 714-749 728 140.00-149.10 146.81
42 700-705 703 151.00-154.50 153.42 Thin Fleshed
45 712-740 731 126.00-133.00 128.19 Unweaned
216 701-745 718 142.00-152.50 148.10 Value Added
287 750-793 763 138.00-144.00 142.61
35 757-764 760 144.00-147.00 145.52 Value Added
325 803-846 834 135.50-138.50 136.34
41 823-827 826 138.50-138.75 138.58 Value Added
76 869-873 872 133.50-134.00 133.68
36 851-875 865 134.50-136.00 135.70 Value Added
28 944 944 125.25 125.25
16 927 927 127.00 127.00 Value Added
21 962-993 966 118.00-125.00 123.97 Value Added
For the complete market report from USDA Market News click on the PDF file below:
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