Agricultural News
Oklahoma Beef Producer Shares Story to Celebrate National Ag Day
Tue, 22 Mar 2022 13:02:33 CDT
With more than 98% of Americans having little to no direct connection to farming or ranching, now, more than ever, there's a need and opportunity for the agriculture community to tell its story. In honor of National Ag Day, the Oklahoma Beef Council is sharing one story of an Oklahoma beef producer who understands the importance of inspiring the next generation to get involved.
Stuart Ranch in Waurika is the oldest ranch in Oklahoma under continuous family ownership. Since 1868, Terry Stuart Forst's family has met weather and market challenges head-on, adapting to conditions, changing plans and learning from past generations to produce high-quality beef.
"I feed my family the same beef the consumer buys," said Forst. "It's my responsibility to my animals and to the consumer to use the best animal health practices and feeding programs available."
Forst along with all Oklahoma producers have a shared commitment to raising cattle in a safe, humane and environmentally conscious way by using the latest technology and resources. From nutrition programs and veterinary care to management practices and proper facilities, producers use a variety of tools to keep animals healthy and safe.
"We love what we do, and we value tradition, legacy and integrity," said Forst. "As stewards of the land we respect the livestock and resources in our care."
The sights and sounds of the ranch's natural beauty drive Forst and her two sons to continue the legacy of raising cattle on native grasses in southwestern Oklahoma. Forst always knew ranching was her passion and through hard work and determination she is living her dream.
From producers to consumers, everyone can be involved with agriculture. Whether you are part of the future generation of farmers and ranchers or simply want to know how food gets from pasture to plate, all you need to get involved is effort and the drive to learn more.
To learn how to share beef's journey from pasture to plate, visit mba.beeflearningcenter.org. For more information about Oklahoma's farming and ranching families, visit www.oklabeef.org/raising-beef.
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