Agricultural News
OSU Animal Science Alumni Association Hosts Gala Reunion and Online Scholarship Auction April 2
Wed, 30 Mar 2022 17:50:00 CDT
Join the OSU Animal Science Alumni Association for the 2022 ASAA Gala Reunion at the ConocoPhillips OSU Alumni Center as we recognize Dr. Tom Carr as the 2022 ASAA Totusek Arena Hall of Fame Chairback Recipient, Roby and Mary Shuey with the Totusek Brand of Excellence Award, the 50-Year 1972 Livestock and Meat Judging Teams, current OSU Judging Teams, and Animal and Food Sciences Graduates of Distinction.
Online registration is open until noon on Thursday, March 31, for registration and more details visit Doors open on Saturday, April 2 at 5 p.m. with the program set to begin at 6:00 p.m.
Make sure to register for the Online Scholarship Auction and view one of the most elite set of items we have ever put together. The online auction opens at noon on March 29, CST and runs through April 2 closing at 8 p.m. CST, select items will close ten minutes after the conclusion of the Gala Reunion.
To watch the Gala Reunion live, visit the ASAA Facebook Page @OSUANSIAlumni The auction will take place online at Proceeds from the auction support OSU animal and food sciences students through scholarship, judging team and additional organizational support. If you will not be in attendance but have interest in bidding on live auction items please contact the ASAA.
Learn more and register for the Online Scholarship Auction by visiting Take the opportunity to browse, bid and buy these one-of-a-kind items! Featured items include a four person elk hunt, OSU décor, event tickets, jewelry, OSU coolers, ribeyes and much more along with instant buy and donation options for ASAA memberships and endowment funds including the Dr. Tom Carr Hall of Fame Chairback Campaign.
Make sure and register today. Your impact makes a difference by contributing scholarship dollars to support animal science students and future industry leaders.
For questions related to the auction or to set up an automatic bid, reach out to Megan Smith at or call 405-747-1977.
The OSU Animal Science Alumni Association is focused on promoting the profession of animal science. This is accomplished by providing scholarship and judging team support, encouraging student enrollment in animal science, improving awareness of educational opportunities and organizing events and activities for alumni.
To learn more about the ASAA visit
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