Agricultural News
AFR Youth Program Announces 2022-2023 Youth Advisory Council
Mon, 01 Aug 2022 13:13:57 CDT
American Farmers & Ranchers (AFR) Cooperative has announced its 2022-2023 AFR Youth Advisory Council. This year’s council members were chosen by popular vote during the organization’s 2022 Senior Leadership Summit, which was held July 27-30.
Members of the 2022-2023 AFR Youth Advisory Council are Kolton Hunt, Wellston; Callen Cox, Crescent; Kelby Ott, Lomega; Morley Griffith, Dale; and Halee Pullen, Stratford.
The AFR Youth Advisory Council is an opportunity for high school seniors who are active in the AFR Youth Program to further their leadership and program management skills. Council members assist in planning many AFR Youth Program events, facilitate general AFR events and act as mentors for younger
Oklahoma youth. Council members also participate in agriculture-based service projects throughout the year.
“The AFR Cooperative is proud to invest in the future of Oklahoma through our state’s youth,” said AFR President Scott Blubaugh. “The AFR Youth Council is a unique opportunity to recognize and encourage some of our exceptional program participants.”
To become an AFR Youth Advisory Council member, the student or an immediate family member must be an AFR Insurance policyholder and have attended a Senior Leadership Summit prior to the year applying.
The AFR Youth Advisory Council is just one of many AFR Youth Program traditions. The organization also hosts a youth leadership summit, statewide scholarships, speech contests, livestock judging and grading competitions, and many other development opportunities. For more information, visit the AFR Cooperative website at www.afrcoop.org
For more information about the 2022-2023 Youth Advisory Council, contact AFR Youth Coordinator Tailor Atkinson at 405-218-5566.
AFR Cooperative is a membership services organization established in 1905 as Oklahoma Farmers Union. AFR provides educational, legislative and cooperative programs across the state and serves as a watchdog for Oklahoma’s family farmers and ranchers and rural communities. The organization is actively supportive of the state’s agricultural industry and rural population with membership consisting of farmers actively involved in production agriculture and non-farmers adding their voice in support of AFR principles.
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