Agricultural News
Feeder Steers Unevenly Steady, Feeder Heifers Steady to Higher, Steer Calves Unevenly Steady at Oklahoma National Stockyards on Monday
Tue, 09 Aug 2022 04:52:36 CDT
Oklahoma National Stockyards
Monday August 8, 2022
This Week 7,500
Last Reported 9,112
Last Year 8,231
*** Close ***
Compared to last week: Feeder steers unevenly steady. Feeder heifers steady to 3.00 higher. Steer calves unevenly steady. Heifer calves steady to 3.00 higher. Demand moderate to good. Quality average to attractive. Supply included several nice angus cattle offered that sold to good demand. Supply included: 100% Feeder Cattle (49% Steers, 0% Dairy Steers, 46% Heifers, 4% Bulls). Feeder cattle supply over 600 lbs was 50%.
STEERS - Medium and Large 1 (Per Cwt / Actual Wt)
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
29 322-324 324 204.00-227.00 208.99
42 350-399 384 200.00-215.00 208.48
117 405-425 417 203.00-214.00 206.83
58 461-492 480 203.00-209.00 207.12
8 450-487 464 209.00-213.00 211.43 Value Added
163 504-548 519 191.00-205.00 198.16
50 547 547 208.50 208.50 Thin Fleshed
47 500-522 505 214.00 214.00 Value Added
159 554-591 578 190.00-203.00 198.05
9 594 594 206.00 206.00 Thin Fleshed
23 575-596 591 205.00-209.00 208.49 Value Added
194 601-648 623 183.00-195.00 187.75
135 600-641 615 197.00-205.00 199.31 Value Added
236 657-699 678 181.00-193.00 184.61
157 702-748 732 173.00-185.50 177.35
23 728-736 733 188.50-189.00 188.69 Value Added
176 756-792 781 170.00-181.00 174.88
68 752-755 753 187.50 187.50 Gaunt
9 751 751 183.00 183.00 Value Added
93 803-840 834 168.00-172.50 171.29
5 810 810 174.00 174.00 Value Added
72 876-896 884 159.00-169.50 163.52
20 900-937 928 164.00-165.00 164.76
31 991 991 167.00 167.00
For the complete market report from USDA Market News click on the PDF link below:
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