Agricultural News
Lisa Mussett with Oklahoma Department of Veterans Affairs Helps Women Find Resources and Benefits
Tue, 23 Aug 2022 11:32:46 CDT
During the Women in Agriculture Conference, Cheyenne Leach, Radio Oklahoma Network Intern, had the chance to visit with Lisa Mussett, the Coordinator for the ODVA (Oklahoma Department of Veterans Affairs) Women Veterans Program. A veteran herself, Mussett spoke on behalf of the program and the benefits it provides for female veterans in ensuring they have equitable access to federal and state veterans’ benefits and services.
Veterans, Mussett said, have access to the federal Veterans Affairs system, healthcare, service, connected compensation and more. The Women Veterans Program, Mussett added, assists women in obtaining those benefits and resources.
“I guess you could say that is where my passion lies, is connecting those resources,” Mussett said.
Being introduced to many opportunities in the agricultural world, Mussett said she developed an interest in finding what resources and benefits may be available to veterans in agriculture. Mussett said she found that there are many opportunities for veterans in agriculture.
“There are different programs and access points for us, so I just want to make sure that everyone can reach- to know that those opportunities and resources are withing their grasp,” Mussett said.
Mussett also talked about the Women’s Historical Project, also known as the “Oklahoma HerStory Project”, which gives women veterans a chance to make connections with one another. Each woman veteran in attendance will also have her picture taken in front of the Capitol, free of charge. These headshots can be used for resumes, profile pictures, personal use and with the woman’s permission, it is linked into the State Veteran Registry.
The State Veteran Registry, Mussett said, is not only a historical perspective, but also a validation of their service. For example, she added, in the state of Oklahoma you can go to the Department of Public Safety and have a flag placed on your driver’s license. In years past, you would have to carry your military paperwork to prove that status, but now with the help of Governor Stitt, Mussett said they are moving into a more digital transformation with the agencies to make identification easier.
“I tell everyone to ask a kid what a veteran looks like,” says Lisa. “Help them to know that women that look like me, or my buddies are veterans as well.”
This year marks the 3rd annual Tribal Women Veterans Summit. Within the VA system, Mussett said there is a specific office to support tribal governments and veterans.
“Tribal women are a unique demographic group,” Mussett said. “Some of our patriarchal tribes do not necessarily recognize the women veterans that have served with their male veterans who have served.”
With the hope to bring awareness to tribal women veterans, along with the missing, murdered, and indigenous women focus, Mussett said the one-day summit was created as an event to honor tribal women’s heritage and service. The next summit, Mussett said, will be November 3 in Tulsa, with the Muscogee Nation serving as the host.
“Don’t rule out some of your veteran benefits that you can use in your agricultural lifestyle,” Mussett said. “Farmer Veteran Coalition is a huge piece of what I do. I found them years ago.”
The Farmer Veteran Coalition, Mussett said, is a national organization that offers free membership. On the Farmer Veteran Coalition website, there is a link to government resources in agriculture for military veterans.
When speaking of resources available to women veterans in agriculture, Mussett advises women to remember to look for what is available for veterans. An example, she added, is the USDA, which has a military and veterans’ liaison.
Mussett said the Farmer Veteran Conference, hosted by the Farmer Veteran Coalition, is coming to Oklahoma this November 13-15 at the Reed Conference Center in Midwest City, Oklahoma. Registration can be found on the Farmer Veteran Collation website. The conference will include activities such as farm tours, focused on farmer veteran owned operations and the Oklahoma horseshoeing school.
“I hope you can tell I have an absolute passion for this,” Mussett said. “I am a very proud Air Force veteran, and I am called to serve, and I love what I do. It is not a job, it’s a passion.”
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